Donating body to science


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If I was to donate my body to science, would I be paid before my demise, or after? Can't find any information on the net about the financial rewards of body donation, if indeed there are any!
I don't think you get any financial reward, your reward is that you are helping discover things!

There are 1,200 on the list at Trinity ;)
You might find it difficult to find someplace to take you!
(Seriously. There is, as far as I know, an over supply of bodies)

If you did get accepted, I think (from memory) all the recompense is a burial at the end, when you are no longer of any use (ie fully dissected etc).

Can't find any information on the net about the financial rewards of body donation, if indeed there are any!

Er...think the clue might be within the phrase "donating body to science" :)

If it's a donation, there is usually no remuneration.

I could be wrong about this specific case, but it never crossed my mind that anyone would be actually paid for this.
In fact, on a serious note, there is a ceremony every so often for the people who have donated their bodies.
I can't remember who it is through, the Universities with medical schools perhaps

Seen it all now equity release for your body, have we learned nothing from the property market!
How about donating your body to the German guy who does plastination? Or becoming the star of a major show touring the world such as the "Bodies" exhibition. :D
Nicola, I suppose I could find out about cash rewards at one of these ceremonies? :)
Apparently there is a shortgage of politicians' donating their brains. The scientists desperately want politicians' brains.

Why? Because they're worth a fortune as they've never being used!!!
I wouldn't donate my body to medical science after seeing photos from friend who worked in a photo Lab. The photos showed students with the bodies propped up into a sitting position with their arms around the students. Others showed the bodies lying with the students posed with knives pretending to stab the body Dracula style. One particular one showed a donor body with a pipe in his mouth dressed in an old coat and scarf. He looked like a very odd snowman. Even though I was a young man myself I was shocked that this was allowed to happen. No respect or dignity was given to the body and it as just a laugh to the students!
Thats awful. Surely the students would have gotten into trouble had their superiors known what they were doing.
Smashbox - sure they would have been in trouble if staff had seen them but juding from the photos I had seen the room had only students in it. Looked like maybe 4 students around each steel table with a body on it so one table wouldn't necessary know what the others was doing. This group was abusing the body which is why I would not donate or encourage others to do it either.