Dog Warden

The DSPCA will NOT collect an animal unless it is sick or injured, and contained.

They will not deal with strays, despite said stray having a coat in terrible condition and being full of fleas.

It appears that the other organisations I phoned are aware of this, they all just said 'oh yeah, DSPCA wont bother with a stray' when I spoke to them.
Its unbelievable so really makes me angry. Do you happen to know anyone who is really good with animals perhaps? Maybe they could try and coax the dog, or even a good vet? What general area are you in?
Have tried the coaxing approach - imagine trying to coax a fox, he is that skittish.

Have tried the Steve Irwin approach - just grab him and take no notice of being bitten - he is too fast to grab.

Have tried a good vet, told us to try lassoo approach, tried it, didnt work.

Have tried to lure him into bin shed but he escaped and wont go back in.

Wont go anywhere he cant get out of.

Have tried makeshift catchpole, put food on one side of loop so he had to put head through loop to get food. He escaped from loop and now wont go near food if catchpole is in sight.

Tried putting food in back of dog carrier, wont go in if anyone near it.

Tried throwing blanket over him, too fast.

Tried distracting him with dog on lead and while he was growling and facing off to dog on lead snuck up behind and tried to catchpole him, too fast for us.

We are not professional dog catchers. We have tried anything a reasonable person could try.
I truly believe at this point only a humane trap that doesnt need intervention by a human to trigger it or a sedative to slow him down is the only way.
Not sure if it should be recommended but have you tried leaving out a bowl of Guinness - dogs usually love it and it makes them fairly sleepy, like an auld fella after a few pints. He might be easier to catch then. I know of dogs who drank it all their lives and they were fine
The only other thing that I can think of is to ask your vet if they have a capture cage? A lot of vets do but it may not be big enough?

I use a vet in Tallaght who has in the past not only offered the cage to catch cats (semi feral where I work) but has also offered to come out if we were having problems catching them. Let me know and I will PM her details....
Mers1 - I dont have a vet myself, it was another neighbours dogs vet we phoned and got the lassoo info off.

If you could PM me the vet in Tallaghts details I could ring up and have a chat about the situation. At this stage a number of shelters will take dog - if we can catch dog!!
He is a small enough fella.

Tara83 - Id be wary of using alcohol in case the dog has an adverse reaction, he is very skinny, I dont want to risk endangering him, if he wandered off after drinking it he could easily wander in front of a car.
Tara83 - Id be wary of using alcohol in case the dog has an adverse reaction, he is very skinny, I dont want to risk endangering him, if he wandered off after drinking it he could easily wander in front of a car.

DSPCA would probably approve then :rolleyes:
I phoned the Pet Detective (thought he may have catching devices) and his advice is:
Get the media involved to embarrass the Dog Wardens office into doing something practical.

Im thinking this may be where to go next, but I dont know if that will actually have any practical use, the dog warden is claiming he CANT catch the dog.
DSPCA would probably approve then :rolleyes:

Could people stop giving out about the DSPCA and other organisations who do their best to help injured and ill-treated animals of all shapes and sizes and receive little or no funding from Government to help them. I know, as a member I get their Annual Report sent to me by elecronic post each year. If you had any idea how much good work they do each and every day, including Christmas, caring for so many different types of animals, you might not be so quick to point the finger. The Dog Warden has a job to do, he is not doing it. Charitable organisations are not responsible for the jobs of the local authorities. They do their best but they are not responsible. Point your anger in the right direction and stop running down a very hard working organisation of dedicated people like the DSPCA. :mad:
Could people stop giving out about the DSPCA and other organisations who do their best to help injured and ill-treated animals of all shapes and sizes and receive little or no funding from Government to help them. I know, as a member I get their Annual Report sent to me by elecronic post each year. If you had any idea how much good work they do each and every day, including Christmas, caring for so many different types of animals, you might not be so quick to point the finger. The Dog Warden has a job to do, he is not doing it. Charitable organisations are not responsible for the jobs of the local authorities. They do their best but they are not responsible. Point your anger in the right direction and stop running down a very hard working organisation of dedicated people like the DSPCA. :mad:

I agree they do good work, but the criteria for accepting a dog seems dubious to me, they told me a limp wasnt enough, and that a badly matted coat and fleas wasnt enough. Im not sure how injured an animal has to be to get attention. We have been reporting a skinny stray whose condition has been worsening for weeks now - they are not interested.
Well to be honest I'm guessing they have to draw the line. Your local politician agrees it is the Dog Warden's job. If charities did every job that the local authorities are supposed to do, then they would not be able to survive. It would be very handy for the local authorities to sit back and let every stray dog get into such a state that the charities have to take them in instead. Which is what they are doing in this instance, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, it is awful for the dog. And it must be awful for you all, trying to get in and out of your homes safely. I would hate that. But well I still feel you're getting annoyed at the wrong people.
Well to be honest I'm guessing they have to draw the line. Your local politician agrees it is the Dog Warden's job. If charities did every job that the local authorities are supposed to do, then they would not be able to survive. It would be very handy for the local authorities to sit back and let every stray dog get into such a state that the charities have to take them in instead. Which is what they are doing in this instance, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, it is awful for the dog. And it must be awful for you all, trying to get in and out of your homes safely. I would hate that. But well I still feel you're getting annoyed at the wrong people.

The point of this thread is that the dog warden is not ddoing his job. It is an aside that I personally find it appalling that none of the animal welfare societies are interested in an animal who is clearly in bad condition.
I am in total agreement with Truthseeker, it is a shocking state of affairs that none of the animal welfare homes are interested in this dog.

I am very much aware that they cannot respond to every call that they receive, but when a memeber of the public has actively sought help for this animal whose health/welfare has deteriorated in the last few days and nothing has been done its a disgrace. As for the dog warden who cant catch the dog! Why is he doing this job then, surely they are trained in how to deal with sick/scared/dangerous animals. I think laziness is coming into play here.

Name and shame - go public this has gone on for long enough!!
Mers1 - the local TD who has been helpful has agreed with me that if no resolve by tomorrow to go to local paper with his backing and try to embarrass council into doing something. If it goes to print I will happily name all involved.

The situation is worsening, last night a neighbour walked their dog and was followed, barked at, growled at and run at for a full 40 minutes, plus the dog chased a number of other people who were out walking barking at them.

I have heard nothing but barking all weekend and monday and watched him making runs at people.

The dog warden phoned me again this morning after I made yet another 2 days of calls to his office and again fobbed me off with the 'i cant catch him' - today he tried to claim that he had invested a whole 1.5 hours following the dog last thursday. I pointed out to him that he had already told me a sedative would take 2 hours to work (which was why he said he wouldnt use one cos itd mean he had to hang around), so surely it would be more time efficient to get a sedative? This time he claimed he would have to fill out paperwork to get one so that wasnt an option!!!!??!!

I received a letter from our local TD telling me that he had spoken directly to dog warden last week and asked him to remove dog immediately - and dog remains.
sooo....bottom line, the Dog Warden is a waste of space and shouldn't get funding as he won't catch the dog and the dog will only survive a matter of days before he's put down (more than likely). DSPCA say it ain't their problem as they haven't sufficient funding to cope with anything but the worst cases.

Quelle probleme ? Sack the Wardens and give the funding to the charities ?

Oh well then we're stuck with the small problem of charities like these (not specifically DSPCA) having vets on the board, and being awarded the contract for looking after these animals without question....chewing up the budgets and basically having themselves a nice little cash cow.

Being part of a charity and benefetting from it like this is unacceptable imo. It does happen too by the way. Not sure of it's legality tho. Morally questionable however.
The point of this thread is that the dog warden is not ddoing his job. It is an aside that I personally find it appalling that none of the animal welfare societies are interested in an animal who is clearly in bad condition.

I see your point. I suppose we'd have to spend a few weeks manning the phones at charities like the DSPCA before we could really decide how appalling it is.

Maybe you are in the right in this case. But personally I feel if they could handle it, they would. But perhaps I am biased.

I am very sorry that you and your neighbourhood are experiencing such awful problems and fearing for your safety. I hope you have more success very soon.
I see your point. I suppose we'd have to spend a few weeks manning the phones at charities like the DSPCA before we could really decide how appalling it is.

Maybe you are in the right in this case. But personally I feel if they could handle it, they would. But perhaps I am biased.

I am very sorry that you and your neighbourhood are experiencing such awful problems and fearing for your safety. I hope you have more success very soon.

Thanks micamaca - its obviously just very frustrating for me that no one is sorting this issue out and pushing responsiblity back and forth. Ultimately I do believe this is job for dog warden. He was last port of call as people involved wanted to see animal rescued as opposed to sent to pound and maybe put down after 5 days.

However we have not been able to get anyone to take him on so dog warden is only option left. And now we find he is not in fact sorting it out and has a myriad of excuses about not being able to catch dog despite numerous calls from residents.
It would be much better for the animal to be put to sleep than to remain at large, ill, hungry and neglected.
Well its no life for a dog.

Actually this guy is possibly a purebred (no expert but looks pure or very close to pure to me), he is probably chipped, so no matter where he ends up, shelter or pound, they will check for a chip and hopefully get reunited with his owners.
have you tried looking in the lost animals section of any of the papers or shelters. you might have better look finding the owners yourself.