Dog Run


Registered User
Hope this is in the right place. We recently sectioned off an area of our back lawn with a run for our dog. At the moment with all the rain, and with all the trampling around making the run, it has gone all mucky inside where the dog will be. What could I put down to keep it some bit clean, and easy to maintain? Also, something that might deter him from digging. Concrete is not an option as I want it lawned again in the future. Sand, sawdust, bark? Anyone any suggestions?
he can dig thru any of the above. There's not a lot really you can do without concreting it that I can think of. Decking ? Expensive though. Maybe gravel, but that wont be great for a lawn either. At the end of the day, dog ownership comes with some downsides. hairs are one. Slobber is another and mucky runs are another I guess...
Hi slookie
We fought a losing battle against mud for 4 long years with our 2 dogs, in a small back garden - then we got rid of the grass/mud altogether, put down some good quality landscape membrane and at least a 3 inch layer of gravel ( got the larger stone size to deter neighbours cat using it as a loo and to avoid digging ). Problem solved AND even a messy clean up is easy as you can just wash down the gravel with a bucket of water...You must use proper landscape fabric for drainage and make sure the edges of the area are well overlapped cos if they find a gap they'll have great fun showing you who's really top dog !!! :rolleyes:
This wouldn't be suitable for an "exercise" run really, it's just a way of keeping the mud at bay and making their lounging around environment clean and easy to maintain.
Better off trying to put in patio slabs. easier to shovel up the dog doo or power hose.
You could always take these up in the future.

The dogs are digging becasue they're bored.