Distributing ETFs


New Member
(This is basically out of curiosity)

So, DeGiro have a feature which shows you what the most popular stocks and ETFs on their platform in Ireland are (based on number of people holding them, I think). I was surprised to see that the _most_ popular ETF in Ireland (on DeGiro) was a distributing S&P500 one. My understanding was that the tax regime made distributing ETFs particularly unappealing; they're subject to the same tax as accumulating ones despite not benefiting from gross roll-up.

Am I missing something here? Why would anyone buy a distributing ETF (or at least a normal boring index fund one; it might be more attractive is wrapping very dividend-heavy stocks) over an accumulating one in Ireland?
The dividend payment is taxed at 41% as a fund

Dividends from shares are taxed at your marginal income tax rate + PRSI + USC so that could be over 41%

The dividend income may be welcomed and/or needed

Also, the ETF may be held by a pension fund or ither body of this type, and not be subject to Exit Tax
Degiro makes it so easy for the layman to buy complicated financial instruments, and most of the financial information online relates to the US. I imagine a lot of people aren't aware of the tax situation of ETFs and just invest in SP500 because it's popular on American forums.
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