Did anyone decide not to rent for 2 years?

Is it easy to get the permission or can someone carry on without it?
Can be difficult, but it's all down to the location and whether the local authority think it suitable. People break various laws every day, some get caught, some don't. All it would take here is one complaining neighbour to have you found out and facing a fine in the first instance.
Anyone hear Eoin Mc Gee on Claire Byrne this am? he was saying that he has found himself recently advising some of his clients to leave their rental properties vacant for 2 years and then re-enter the housing rental market with their property at market rent… there was another guest on from one of the housing charities saying how ‘awful’ this is given the level of homelesness.
Interesting that attention is coming to this dilemma; as an accidental landlord with a rental property ‘stuck’ in a RPZ an interested to see what will happen to the legislation this year
I'm all for adhering to laws and I charge my tenants well below the market rent but this rent pressure legislation is a bad law with serious unintended consequences.

I mean leaving a property vacant for two years is well and good ( and I have done it in the past for other reasons) but if we will say in my situation a good tenant left in very amicable terms to return to his home country and was paying well below the market rent. I had it registered with the RTB initially but let the registration lapse years ago what are the chances of the new tenants finding out if I increase the rent in excess of the permitted amount under RPZ? I am being penalised for not screwing my tenants on the rent charged.
BTW I'm fully tax compliant but really detest these RPZ rules.
I would reconsider this...I am currently doing it and it's going well. One of the conditions of the scheme is that you have to agree to a six-month agreement. I have signed contracts with my tenants with a start and end date. I'd be surprised if the government pulled the rug from under us mid-contract, but anything is possible I guess.
Could you please let me know how this scheme operates as I might consider it.