Dental expenses claim


Registered User
Hi, If a person had dental work done this year , For example some crowns , Do they have to wait until the start of next year to submit a med1 form to claim back 20% of total cost or can it be claimed in the same year, Thanks in advance, Regards Cumnor.
The Med1 goes with the tax return (Form 12 or Form 11 as applicable) after the end of the relevant tax year. It is important to retain the Med2(Dent) form which the practitioner supplies in event of audit of the return.
You have to wait until the end of the year I'm afraid.

You don't need to file a tax return to claim and it can be done online through PAYE Anytime.

As Graham_07 points out you need to retain all supporting documentation for at least 6 years in case of audit.