Dell job cuts..wider implications


Registered User
Heard this morning that Dell are cutting 450 jobs in Ireland. I think this will have a major knockon effect to the wider economy. Won't be long before the other multi-nationals take notice and review the cost of doing business in ireland....hold on tight folks & keep the SSIA money for emigration!
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

Hi there,
It was on the radio this am, that Ireland may not be hit so hard, the Irish profits are good - demand is high in Europe.. So Ireland may not be hit with the full whack of 10% reduncdancies..
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

Its a global cut, all divisions, all geographical locations of 10%. So to be fair its not related to Ireland's competiveness.
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

This am on News Talk they had a business spokesperson speaking, and his view -(I know it is only a view) was that north america could be hit the most due to labour costs and a decrease in profits, however with the European Marke being so strong for Dell that it was likely that Ireland would not be hit with the full 10%...
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

Heard this morning that Dell are cutting 450 jobs in Ireland. I think this will have a major knockon effect to the wider economy. Won't be long before the other multi-nationals take notice and review the cost of doing business in ireland....hold on tight folks & keep the SSIA money for emigration!
Rubbish, we are the Celtic Tiger! Everything is great here. So what if we have some of the highest wage rates in Europe? So what if we have crap infrastructure? So what if we now have to compete with East European economies that are much cheaper and have the same progressive tax rates? So what if public sector wage increases are driving up costs throughout the economy? So what if we have some of the most expensive utilities in the EU? So what if our inflation is about the highest in the EU? None of that matters, it'll all be grand. We just have to keep out head's in the sand and ignore the fools who think that basic economic principles apply to the Irish economy. Remember; they are the same people who said that property price increases were not sustainable! I bet they feel stupid now!
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

Rubbish, we are the Celtic Tiger! Everything is great here. So what if we have some of the highest wage rates in Europe? So what if we have crap infrastructure? So what if we now have to compete with East European economies that are much cheaper and have the same progressive tax rates? So what if public sector wage increases are driving up costs throughout the economy? So what if we have some of the most expensive utilities in the EU? So what if our inflation is about the highest in the EU? None of that matters, it'll all be grand. We just have to keep out head's in the sand and ignore the fools who think that basic economic principles apply to the Irish economy. Remember; they are the same people who said that property price increases were not sustainable! I bet they feel stupid now!
Bravo :)
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

i believe that most of the jobs in Ireland will be tansferring to Poland over the next few years and the current crop of Polish people currently working for Dell in Ireland are being trained to operate the new factory in Poland..
wider implications will be every thing from the local shops to the suppliers
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

I think it's more than likely that Dell in Limerick and Seagate in Derry will both be gone in 5 years.
Both have opened sister plants in lower cost economies that do the same thing.
The same can be said for major employers in Wicklow, Cork and Galway. Most of the large IDA industrial estates around Dublin are empty or those multinationals that are left have skeleton staffs that just about keep the plant open. Drive into any of the estates around Blanchardstown and you will see huge plants with parking for a few hundred cars but a few dozen cars parked outside. Citywest only has one or two companies that actually manufacture anymore. Athlone, Galway, Waterford, Cork, Limerick, Shannon; it's all the same. We had our chance to build a world-class economy and we blew it, we blew it big style, and we only have ourselves to blame.
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

Tsk, didn't you get the memo Purple, we're a Knowlege Economy now. We don't need to get our hands dirty in factories anymore, none of this nasty manufacturing work for us! :D
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

And what did we do? We put them all back in charge again....

Yea, 'cause Pat Rabbitte was going to take on the public sector unions, the hospital consultants, the legal industry etc and make up competitive again ... watch out for them there flying pigs.
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

So who let them get uncompetitive? How long have they had to sort it out?
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

So who let them get uncompetitive? How long have they had to sort it out?

My take on it is that once our government relinquished its constitutional duty to run the country to un-elected interest groups we were on a downhill path. I am of course talking about social partnership, particularly over the last two agreements. Once SIPTU and its ilk took over it was inevitable that the sectors of the economy that had to compete in an internationally open market would suffer, since there is low union membership in the efficient sectors of the economy, the ones that generate real income for the country.
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

If those in charge are the ones to blame then in this case whos more to blame ? Charlie McCreevy or Cowen/Bertie ?
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

I blame Bertie all the way. He's the one who won't make the hard (unpopular) decisions. Charlie McCreevy would and did and that's why he was shipped off to Europe. He's not in charge now, more's the pity.
Cowan would be better than Bertie, Pat and Enda would be worse.
Re: Dell job cuts..wider imnplications

I blame Bertie all the way. He's the one who won't make the hard (unpopular) decisions. Charlie McCreevy would and did and that's why he was shipped off to Europe. He's not in charge now, more's the pity.
Cowan would be better than Bertie, Pat and Enda would be worse.

The economic shock caused by September 11th was the time that we should have started to evaluate competitiveness in the country. Instead, we went on an unrestrained borrowing splurge snapping up houses, cars and Prada handbags like there was no tomorrow. Biffo and Bertie sat with their hands in their pockets and didn't do a thing to reign in the overheating economy.

Every interest rate hike we get is a nail in the coffin of the property market and consumer confidence. Believe me, it won't take too many more nails in the coffin before we're buried.