Deansgrange/Dun Laoghaire area



Looking at a house to buy near the College of Art & Design but not really familiar with the area. Anybody know of any issues with the Deansgrange area?
Hey Tess

Deansgrange has always been a nice area in my opinion. Never hear of any trouble.

Yeah, Deansgrange is a nice area. Used to have a bit of trouble a few years ago with the Rosepark Hotel's nightclub but that's shut down quite a while now.
I've lived most of my life within a few miles of here and wouldn't want to live anywhere else in Dublin. It's a good area and very convenient. 46A bus route adjacent, supermarkets: Super Valu, Dunnes, Tesco nearby as well as Dun Laoghaire, Dalkey, seafront.