Database of Irish Companies


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I run my own small business and want to market a particular service to companies of a particular headcount size. Does anybody have any experience re the best vendors who provide provide lists of companies which meet certain criteria, role contact names etc (e.g., Global Database, What's important is that I can cut by headcount size, and ideally, able to identify the CFO or HR Director?

If the info is publicly available, it is not a GDPR breach.
If looking at a handful of companies, the info is usually, but not always easy to find on LinkedIn.
Yeah, true, poor quote there, but precautions need to be made in handing data, who is targeted and mechanisms for the removal of that data.
After doing some research, Sales Navigator tool on LinkedIn is by far the best. It’s all about “social selling” these days….and less about picking up the phone and cold calling!