Clearing toilet waste pipe


Registered User
Need to get waste pipe cleared,Dyno rod first came to mind but will cost 200E to do the job ,just wondering can someone recommend another company that can do the job but for a lesser price
Can you purchase a set of sewer rods and a 4" plunger to screw on to them and open the nearest manhole. probably get them in woodies even today. Total cost less than €30
Wev done the rods..however turns out toilet roll cardboard flushed down,,,, needed take toilet off wall...
It could be easy enough to clear yourself - first of all, are you sure it's just toilet paper? Are you on mains sewer or septic tank? Is the water not clearing at all from the toilet or just clearing slowly? Can you open the nearest manhole cover & check if the pipe is clear from there?

Assuming it's in the toilet waste pipe - you could use a toilet plunger? You need to really plunge & plunge (be prepared to get wet), then follow it up with a lot of hot (not boiling as it may crack toilet / water pipe), pour it down the toilet, wait a few minutes, flush toilet and plunge again (rinse & repeat).

If that fails to clear it, then you may need to get something to help dissolving the waste paper. Something like caustic soda would help, can buy that in your local DIY / hardware store. Not recommended, I think, if you have your own septic tank.

You could also get a plumbers snake (drain snake) down the toilet and try to manually free the blockage if still not cleared, costs about €10 or so.

If it's further down the sewer line, as can be seen from the opening of the manhole cover, then a set of rods could be used.