City centre Dublin -Three storey double glazed v-shaped window


Registered User
I have a problem with a probate property. Clients are elderly and need some ( a lot of!) hand holding/guidance! They need to (ideally) sell at whatever price they can or rent out to keep it occupied , if a sale does not happen. But they have a leak and they are having a problem in finding the source of the problem and , thereafter, a solution.

Its a three storey property - two storey over basement old red-brick conversion into three apartments-one on each level. The property in question is the basement of the three storeys. The property was nicely renovated in the early 1990's and the developer took out a section of the full height back wall to put in a very nice looking three storey double glazed v-shaped window. It essentially gives each of the apartments a nice west facing v-shaped dining /sitting area.

This is where I get less than technically precise! The basement apartment window only is prone to leaking - one side only - the southwest facing side - and only after heavy rain. It is leaking in at the top of the window only. We've had a (well - recommended) builder look at it and he is baffled. We had thought that the rain might be "tanking" up from the bottom i.e. running down the aluminium tubing from the roof fall off/gutter and flooding out through a small hole where blinds had been fixed. But he doesn't think so. The other apartments are not affected so it does not sound like a leakage through the aluminium tubing.

One awful prospect is that the entire structure needs to come down and be replaced which would wipe out all of the owners - only one of whom is affected.

So two questions:

1. Anyone have any ideas or experience with anything like this? And, more important, any solutions?
2. Anyone have a recommendation as to who to talk to for expert specific advice?

Any comments/ advices welcome.

If you were to provide some type of location as to where, (what area) the property is, suggetions re an Architect or competent builder may be offered.
If you were to provide some type of location as to where, (what area) the property is, suggetions re an Architect or competent builder may be offered.

Please keep posts seeking/providing recommendations for such trades in the appropriate forum.