Christmas trees/decorations in Sept in BT's


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Anyone else read about christmas trees/decorations going on sale in BT's this week?

I thought there was an order :
Back to school then halloween, then Christmas.
Xmas already?

This afternoon I was in Debenhams in The Square Tallaght and I saw them setting up a new section selling Christmas wrapping paper, decorations and artifical Christmas trees. Maybe the budget coming two months early this year has confused them.

Shoot me now, please!
Re: Xmas already?

Its only 112 days away....

Look on the bright side... The quicker we get Xmas out of the way we can count down the days to the brighter nights of summer.
Re: Xmas already?

Our local Tesco was doing the same yesterday! The shelves are only just clearing of the "back to school" stuff!
Well my MIL will be glad to hear the decorations are going on sale early this year; she's already done ALL of her Christmas present shopping and has it wrapped with Christmas paper she stocked up in during the Jan sales. Oh to be that organised! (not likely for me, given that I usually do my present shopping in and around the 22nd of Dec).

Still though - out already, before Halloween? Should be EU directives set up to combat this, two months of Christmas muzak blaring over shop sound systems is already too much insanity.