Childcare measures

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Brendan Burgess

We need more capacity

We need to address cost

€716m invested next year

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In his Budget 2022 speech, Minister for Public Expenditure said €716 million would be invested in the sector next year by the State, with an additional €78 million in core funding going to providers.

He said this additional funding for providers would be tied to a commitment that there will be no further increases in the fees facing parents.
Could this be an anti-competitive measure? I recall the Competition Authority coming out previously about some measure that was designed to stop price increases, on the bases that the measures were also preventing cost decreases.
  • National Childcare Scheme universal subsidy extended to all children aged up to 15
This is the 50c per hour non-means tested subsidy of childcare before the ECCE (pre-school year(s)) scheme kicks in (so it currently applies from 6 months until the September when they are roughly 3) - currently about €22.50/week towards full time / 45 hour a week care.

It'll now apply to afterschool care up to age 15, at the same 50c per hour rate, so €10/week towards 20 hours per week care.

There are other measures focused on the mean-tested hours available which are more complex to understand.
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