Checking that mileage is Valid



I was looking at a car at the weekend. Now the odometer says that there is 60'000 miles done, but the condition of the car would indicate that that is wrong. The car was imported from the UK a year ago.
My question is, when the car was registered for VRT does the registration document have any record of the mileage that was on the car when it was registered? If not is there some way I can check what mileage was on it by ringing the VRT office or something?
If the car was previously registered in the UK you can check in
Not sure how it works thought, but they keep info about car, so when buying you can always check if there is some strange about the car.
Does the UK equivalent of the NCT hold the last recorded milage? The NCT does although I dont think if you can actually request info like that about other cars before you buy with the NCT....
If you log onto hpi and put in the chassis (sp) number, it will show you if the mileage is accurate. It costs approx £30.00 and well worth it.
Plenty of other cars out there, if your gut tells you something is wrong, walk away.
what car is it you are buying,there are ways of checking milege on certain models thanks to lazy clockers