Check in Time - Travelling to US via London

Ms X

Registered User

How much time is needed to check in when flying to the US via London. Is 3 hours required?

If you are travelling without baggage then I have allowed two hours but if your inbound flight is delayed it really could mess your plans up. Three hours would be comfortable.
I believe Ms X's question is how far to check in at an Irish airport in advance of the flight to London if you're connecting onwards to the US

The answer to this question is the same as if you weren't connecting to the US ... no extra check in requirement .. provided you're checked in before the flight closes it doesn't make any difference whether you're connecting to New York or Timbucktu

Personally I'd say an hour is loads - but I know there's plenty who'd disagree with me on that :)

I'd agree with Sumatra that 3h connection in Heathrow / Gatwick is comfortable on the outbound .. you could shave that a bit on the return (as long haul flights less likely to be delayed and there's more alternatives for the flight on to Ireland anyway in the case of disruption)

NB - it's best to book a through ticket rather than DIY the connection yourself with two totally separate bookings