Changing tenant names in lease


Registered User
I have a house rented to 3 tenants since July, and a lease agreement is in their names.

Now, a 4th tenant is to be added. Apart from informing PRTB, do I need to alter the lease to include the new tenant, or is this even possible legally, without issuing a new lease?

If not required to alter the lease, consider the following extreme scenario. Individual tenants leave and are replaced by new tenants. Say this happens several times, such that before the 12 month lease terminates, none of the tenants named on lease are living in the house, and I have no legal lease agreement with any of the current tenants!

No, they are working tenants.

But yes, I agree my 'extreme secenario' is probably unlikely and too complicated - that's probably just the engineer in me!

Though, if you could advise me on my present situation, that would be very welcome. Do I need to add the new tenant to the existing lease agreement? How do I do this in a legal way, e.g. re-issue the original agreement, or issue a separate ammendment document?

Thanks, James.
If the tenancy is mid year, I generally get them to sort it out between themselves (new tenant may pay some deposit to the others I I recommend they do sort something between them so the new tenant has some financial investment & reason to look after the property - but thats up to them).

As far as I'm concerned, I have a contract witht the existing tenants - there is nothing to stop you ammending it, but as I said before - do you re-ammend it if they break up next month and she moves out.

You have a valid lease - go with it til the end of it. Email PRTB with her details & hope the rent gets paid each month!!

At the end of the tenacy you can add in the new tenant to the contract.

I'm relatively new to renting - at least no great difficulties so far - that's why I welcome practical advice - and I will take your advice in this case.

I may post the update to PRTB. Will serve as a paper trail, as I'm not sure if they accept or reply to emails.

Also, see Bront'e recent post enquiring about need for signature or not.

Thanks, James