Changes to reclaiming VAT on property


Registered User
Where a person is VAT registered and wants to buy a section 23 property, and wants to reclaim VAT on the price- must the house be brand new? I thought you could not reclaim VAT on a second hand house but are threre any circumstances in whcih you can?
Is it true that reclaiming VAT will be gone even on new houses from April?
I guess you can claim vat back on a 2nd hand property if vat was actually charged on the sale. If there's no vat what are you hoping to claim back?
The scope of the VAT refund scheme extends only to new property. VAT is deemed already paid on second hand property. Therefore as the second purchaser there is no VAT to reclaim. If a VAT reg individual was selling a capitalised property-one they got a refund on and all VAT not repaid, you may be entitled to claim the refund. It must be said that such a scenario is very unlikely.The reclaim of VAT may not also be backdated to properties that were bought before registration for VAT. I am not sure the date after which recaliming VAT on property will no longer be possible. For instance if you signed a contract before the 2007 finance act was passed, you may be able to reclaim it after the act has come into being.