Change to notice of termination


New Member
Hi, I served my tenants notice in June 2022 & they were due to move out at the end of January 2023, with the new ban on winter evictions do I need to serve them notice again and what date can I put on the amended notice. Many thanks.
Are they still planning to move out? They may not be aware of the winter evictions ban and it's not your job to inform them.
Thank you ClubMan , it seems I would need to defer until 01 April 2023.

@NoRegretsCoyote - I'm not sure yet if they have plans, I think they may well be planning a move back to Lithuania.
Either way, you don’t have to issue an amended notice (assuming, obviously, that it was valid in the first place).
Hi, I served my tenants notice in June 2022 & they were due to move out at the end of January 2023, with the new ban on winter evictions do I need to serve them notice again and what date can I put on the amended notice. Many thanks.
I am in the same boat. Served notice in July out til end of Feb. I am not issuing a new notice but as my PRTB registration for this tenancy expires on Feb 28th, I will have to renew it. ( as advised by a solicitor). Good luck
I am in the same boat. Served notice in July out til end of Feb. I am not issuing a new notice but as my PRTB registration for this tenancy expires on Feb 28th, I will have to renew it. ( as advised by a solicitor). Good luck
Good luck renewing with RTB, painful website.
Solicitor is correct though not worth falling out over 40 quid.