Change in Tenancy situation


Registered User
In the first part of 2007 I rented a house to a single mother of two children (boy and girl) aged about 11 and 12 at the time under the RAS scheme. Rent was agreed. About 2015 the council decided that the rent was to be lowered as one of the children had moved out and was living with a partner so council used the excuse of " the family was over accomodated" as a reason for reducing the rent. The rules were being abused a bit by the tenant as far as who was being allowed to live in the house.
Fast forward to 2018 and the rent was agreed towards the middle of 2018. It has come to my attention that the mother has now a partner who is working in a minimum wage job. She is on Social and working about 18/19 hours a week as well. Son is working in a full time permanent job earning about €700.00 pw with prospects and has a 3rd level degree and has moved in to the house permanently and has a girlfriend who stays in the 3 bed house for 3 to 4 nights a week and apparently goes to her home after that. Her job is not local to her home but is to my house. She is working as well.
The council have been notified about the circumstances and said that the would write to the mother about a rent review and that the most it could be put up was about €15 per week. Her contribution is less than €40 per week. The council tell me that under data protectio that they cannot tell me whether the review letter was answered or not
I queried what I was being told about what I considered new circumstances around income coming into the house and tenants being it it that I was not totally happy about (numbers wise) and the councils attitude was it is your problem now as well as stating that the "children " that were in it 12 years could continue staying on. Their partners could be classfied as "guests". I consider to be a gross abuse of the system by the head tenant and a cop out by the council.
I was wondering could I increase the rent to more accurately reflect the current rent given the change of occupiers (this is not what is annoying me as I originally let this and for all the years since at a low rent as a good turn to the tenant). I am annoyed that this good turn was abused. The house is a 3 bed.
Not in a RPZ but probably subject to the 2 year rule for rent rises even though the occupancy has changed. Will not be so generous next time or again. Thanks "The Horseman"
I think you maybe able to increase to market rate if you show three comparable properties. Check out the RTB website. Do it sooner rather than later in case the area your property is located in does become a rpz.