Change career


Registered User
I really need a change of career. I've been working on computers for the past 12 years, (IT support, Programming etc etc)
I don't enjoy it anymore, my back is in bits, I've got computer eye strain , headaches etc ... the list goes on.

I know it's not an ideal time to be thinking of just packing it all in.
I teach part time, only a few hours per week in the local college. I really enjoy that, and hope to get more hours. I'm also training to hopefully become a kayaking instructor within the next few years.

I just need something that doesn't involve constant computer usuage...
any insights would be cool.
You seem to be well on the way with changing your direction you have 2 other things on the go
However sometimes you can also improve your situation in the area where you have skills and can command the highest wages
IT work is particularly suitable for doing contract work , flexible hours etc
If you had a 3 day week for example you would be better able to cope with the work situation and you could pursue other interests
At the end of the day you have to earn a living and money worries will make an alternative lifestyle equally grinding