Car parked in snow - cannot move it


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I parked my car (Rear wheel drive BMW) as normal this morning. It is road side parking with a slight slope towards the kerb. I then tried moving the car slightly but it only moved in against the kerb and now will not let me move at all.. the back wheel just keep spinning!! I have got to do the creche run later so would be grateful for any usefull suggestions (bar waiting for the ice to melt!)

You need extra weight in the back of the car when there is snow if your car is rear wheel drive. Put in somethings that are heavy and if there is some sand around throw that in front of the rear wheels to get some traction. I wouldn't light petrol under my car, the petrol might help melt the snow but I wouldn't light a bucket of petrol which i had thrown under my car.
You could try using the floor mats under the wheels to give them some traction.
Put a couple of heavy items in your boot et some kitty litter and scatter it under the wheel base for traction.
Put a couple of heavy items in your boot et some kitty litter and scatter it under the wheel base for traction.
This is the thing to do, cat litter is fantastic and weight in the back.

Dig out the snow/ice first in front of the drive wheels and then put the litter down.

Weather's bad today, I wouldn't go anywhere unless I really had to, particularly with a rear wheel drive car.
Kitty litter is very good for this. Sand is good too.

Or put dishwasher salt in front of the drive wheels. This will melt the ice and improve traction.

Good luck.
With a RWD drive you are lkely to encounter issues on your drive. I used to have RWD mercs and typically I would encounter problems in housing estate around speedbumps, and also junctions etc.

If you are worried, I suggest you do some internet research on how to handle a RWD car in case of a skid.

Thanks for all your help - much appreciated. You will be glad to know I got sorted. I went up at lunch time and a gentleman living beside where I parked came out with a shovel and mats and also helped me push while my wife steered. It took a while but I am glad I took the time to get it sorted early in the day. It is now safely parked up internally!!

Now for the drive home - I will certainly research about RWD and how to handle a skid.

Thanks again
NEVER put the floor mats under the drive wheels. All that happens is that the wheels start to spin and propel the mats into the ankles of people who are pushing,very very dangerous!! I saw it happen several times.
NEVER put the floor mats under the drive wheels. All that happens is that the wheels start to spin and propel the mats into the ankles of people who are pushing,very very dangerous!! I saw it happen several times.

If the person driving the car has no clue about how to drive in ice or snow this can happen but if they know what they are doing and keep the revs very low then it won’t happen.
Complainer had the best solution; ask for help.

I live down an incline so I park my car near the main road these evenings and walk the last ten minutes home.
I would have thought that any mention of using petrol in any manner is extremely dangerous
throw hot water or a bucket of petrol & a light under the rear wheels.

Very clever !! Under the petrol tank as well. This will clear the ice and the car.

you are so clever, BRILLIANT...............................................NOT