Can I claim redundancy now?



I have been employed full time since 2002. The position was under an annual contract. I went on maternity leave on 1st Aug 2009 and due back to work 1st Feb this year. I emailed my employer on 4th Jan this year to enquire about my job. the answer was "funding tight, I'll keep you posted". I then emailed him every week, the answer being the same. Im now due back on Monday and don't know where I stand. Am I subject to redundancy? Should they have given notice before now? Am I unemployed come Monday morning? Your help/guidance would be much appreciated.
From Citizens Advice
Return to work:
You must give your employer at least 4 weeks' written notice of your intention to return to work
It is important to comply with these notice requirements, as failure to do so may cause loss of rights.

You must inform your employer that you are returning to work! I understand that there is a chance that your job may be made redundant when you return, but if you don't inform them, this could be irrelevant as they don't have to take you back at all. Be careful and talk to Citizens Advice or someone similar as soon as possible.
Many thanks for your reply. I have emailed them 3-4 times over the weeks in January to guage the situation. THe first enquiry was the 6th January to state that my maternity was ending at the end of January and ask what was the situation regarding the job contract. So what do I do now?
Many thanks for your reply. I have emailed them 3-4 times over the weeks in January to guage the situation. THe first enquiry was the 6th January to state that my maternity was ending at the end of January and ask what was the situation regarding the job contract. So what do I do now?