Can I avail of any schemes - Joint Mortgage Buying ex out of property


New Member
Been doing a bit of research on these new schemes and It seems the one party who is staying in the house gets no assistance whilst the other qualifys for all help.

House valued at 275k
two adult children - one - one year left in College
Old UB Tracker moved to AIB - 25K LEFT
I paid the deposit originally and house was jointly owned 55%/45%
Mortgage was up to date and all in order up to 2017 - approx 800pm
I was forced to move out and have been renting since 500pm while ex completed SFS and got the repayment of mortgage down to 350pm -him been self employed
I have continued to pay property tax and both life assurance policies
i was made redundant from my job in Dec 23 and have cleared all debts outstanding and have a lump sum for deposit
Whilst i know I will have to wait 3/6mths but I know my new job is thankfully permanent and I should be able to make an application in the furture.

My issue is now i can only get max between 140k/160k mortgage if i am lucky to buy him out of the family home and as I will tech be re mortgaging my own property i do not qualify for any first home scheme or Help to Buy scheme where as he can avail of all of this to add onto his fathers house as he will have no interest in what will be my remortgaged property

Am I correct in my thinking or has anyone received any extra assistance in a similar situation to myself ?