business bank accounts and vat registration



Hello is it possible to get a business bank account without being vat registered(due to being below the threashold) ? AS far as I'm aware to be a sole trader you have to be Vat registered, and when looking up the various accounts they have business accounts for either Sole traders or companies.
So does that mean you have to be vat registered?
You do not have to be VAT registered to open a business bank account.

However if you propose to trade under a name which is not your own then you wil need to register the name with the Registrar of Business Names (form RBN1 ) at the CRO and the bank will need to see the RBN cert. If you propose to trade under your own name, this is not necessary.
... AS far as I'm aware to be a sole trader you have to be Vat registered ...
VAT registration is tied to your turnover. If you are below the threshold for goods sales or services supply you need not register, but that means you cannot claim back what you pay or charge it on sales.