budapest apartment sale


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I wanted to sell an apartment in 2009 an agency told me they had a buyer for 16m Ft for the apartment and a car space.So i went over. I was then told by the agency that the lawyer said that i had to write to all the apartment owners and give them the opportunity to purchase the car space they had 3 months to reply (A1 did this for me) and if they didn't the buyer of the apartment would have to purchase the car space also. They paid me 14mil forint on the day the agreements was signed. So I contacted the agents again then they told me there was an outstanding bill in the water office and this would have to be paid before the purchaser would hand over the 2mil forint for the car space so the agents kept telling me they could not get the bill from the water office. Then 1 year later they told me that it was not the the water bill it was that some owners of apartments that never sent back letters to say weather they did or did not want to purchase the car space. They are trying to sell the car space for me now telling me they will find a buyer,
Any help would be appreciated.