Bringing esb across several fields to a site


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Hi, Does anyone know the rough costs of bringing esb to a site maybe 0.7 miles from the nearest supply or anything similar ? Am just looking for some idea of a possible cost involved? I have had guessed figures of 60 to 85k thrown at me. Is this possible. Have not purchased the site. Just looking at present.Though between the road lay out to reach the site and the esb it sounds like a nightmare and way over my budget maybe. Thanks
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Have you contacted ESB networks? I think they have an 1850 number. If you apply for a connection they will issue a quotation. I have a figure of €1,375 in my head for some reason. I think that this is the standard connection fee.

btw How are you going to manage for water and sewage?
Would have to sink a well and bio tank for sewage i guess.It would take a hell of a lot of poles to reach this site.Only looked at it in the last few days so am not at the quotation stage but read up on procedure online. Have to get ordnance survey map and mark site etc then send in. Just wondered if anyone had or heard of similar situation. Site is across 2/3 fields on coast. No access by road as yet.
Only got something similar done last year and from memory the 1350 is not far off the mark. You send them maps marking out your site and they will quote you. Something like 12 weeks after payment is received they will supply electricity. Word of Warning though.... The ESB are meant to assertain permission from landowners to put up poles, they left it until the last minute for us delaying us by about a month. We ended up getting elecrticity the Thurs before last Christmas.
A friend of mine was told she'd have to pay for every pole they put up to connect her. it would be about 5 years ago now i think she was quoted 17k per pole. That might be why the figures are so high.
NickyK. Did you have such a long distance? Were you not charged per pole? Is the connection fee not just the final bit. I cant see them putting up all those poles for that amount but great if true.Thanks for input.
Hi Giardiniera, You are scaring me! I could need up to twenty poles. Think will have to get quote. Thanks for info though. Maybe your friends pole was gold plated?!
Iwork around the ESB Networks as a tree contractor-ive never seen a underground network that long...(and not because it was underground!). Imho, itll have to be above ground for such a distance and you wont be charged huge amoounts per pole. Normally underground cables only go from the outside pole under the garden and into the house. its up to the ESB to locate a transformer near to your house or run low voltage from the nearest to you.

best of luck
Friends of mine have recently had similar situation. They have planning on site and need to go ahead with moving 2 poles. For this they were quoted 10k. So translate this to distance you mention and its a lot more than 1500. I have normal site and it cost 1400 approx. It will defo cost you a lot more than normal, look into it as building is expensive enough.
my site is three fields from nearest connection point.I paid standard connection fee €1760 i think . They were able to do it with four poles. the distance is approx 350 meters.The esb will send out an engineer to access the best route .I think at the time he told me each installation is allowed four poles before any extra charge would apply.
standard esb charge for electricity in the country is 1750 . Number of poles not important

Tester 1 story different. Its about moving existing lines and poles not getting supply to new site