Breaking a lease? Implications?


Registered User
Hi I started a new business last September under a 4 year nine month lease. There is no rent just a peppercorn rent as I am in the service industry. Could you please tell me if I break this lease now what are the implications? I cannot afford to continue at all and am losing money every single day of the week. There will be no loss to the people who rent it out to me as they dont charge me rent, if they sue me for not contuining what implications has that? I cant sleep at night and literally have no money whatsoever.
A peppercorn rent is say a very meanial sum i.e. 5 euro per annum, a token rent really. I am offering a service to their curtomers as part of what they want to provide themselves, they are a big corporate Centre.
i have considerable experience of a similar situation if you want some very good advice get back to me. i know its stressful and how i would have appreciated the assistance
Well if you don't owe them any money and you aren't making any money, you need to tell them your intentions to quit. It's a commercial decision asnd it certainly is not worth losing sleep for. Most people will act in a decnt manner if you are hnest with them.