black pvc windows


Registered User
hi all ,

just wondering has anyone got them in and has it made a huge difference to your internal lighting etc ? we have our hearts set on black pvc windows , french style . they are going on a cottage and we have a vision that they will look well against brilliant white external walls , are only slight worry is the internal finnish .
hey there , we viewed those and they look nice , the only thing we were worried about was the fact that the ones we are getting are french style ... so when they are open you would have long lines of white pvc facing outward with the black ...
the guy who showed us their windows , pointed out that the black foil only runs along the front facing pvc , meaning that you would get a mix of black and white when open and tilted . how do you find that ?
just a little pointer too look out for with black windows,after a few years they start too turn white especially at the joints,its just my opinion but the dont age that well,check out some houses that have them in a few years,before you order them..
I've got black pvc windows, black inside and out. o/h was worried about the impact on the rooms from the inside, but not a problem. They look very well and are easier to match with colours imo. We have them a few years now and no sign of white. I did ask our window installer if this would be a problem and he assured me it would not, not any more on good quality windows.
I've got black pvc windows, black inside and out. o/h was worried about the impact on the rooms from the inside, but not a problem. They look very well and are easier to match with colours imo. We have them a few years now and no sign of white. I did ask our window installer if this would be a problem and he assured me it would not, not any more on good quality windows.

I'll second that. We too have black windows and I wouldn't have them any other colour. I think they look fab!