Best way to remove a difficult rent-a-room lodger

Definately don't tell him the truth, that could totally drive him over the edge if he's that bad that he's shouting at the neighbours etc. Get your nephew in for a few nights before the lodger is due to move out and have your white lies ready maybe along the lines that you are going to sell the house or moving back home, something like that anyway. He sounds like a nut case and not someone you want to have around longterm.
He's on 4 weeks notice as of today, used a few white lies, but he's going to give me a hard time I reckon.

He's probably also going to expect me to find him somewhere else to live!
He's on 4 weeks notice as of today, used a few white lies, but he's going to give me a hard time I reckon.

He's probably also going to expect me to find him somewhere else to live!

Nephew and mates move in very quickly, they make a lot of noise during the day and generally take over the house. As you're doing a relative a favour there's nothing you can do about it.
Nephew and mates move in very quickly, they make a lot of noise during the day and generally take over the house. As you're doing a relative a favour there's nothing you can do about it.
+1. Whatever reason you have given-make sure that you follow through with it. Distance yourself from any attempts on his part to get you to help him to find another place. Very best of luck.
Thanks all. As you can see from my post at 03.45 am this morning, he fell in drunk about 3.30 am and woke me up. I got up once he'd gone to bed and he'd left all the lights on downstairs and another mess for me to clean up.

He's not talking to me today, left in a huff when he eventually surfaced this afternoon - probably gone to the pub again.

The sooner he's gone the better. He told me he's going to move to Antwerp!!
safer not to tell him the truth.. coax him out with the refund of deposit and possibly the current months rent and maybe you get him out faster than the 4 weeks.

at this stage have you given him his notice?
Yes I've given him 4 weeks notice.

He told me he was looking actually looking at room to rent notices in local shops today and he's seems quite ok today.
Perhaps it's not such a bad idea to help him to find a place, there are plenty of them out there. Then he can never say to you that there are no places available, and you are sure he is genuinely looking
Yes I have already offered to check for him, but he made some excuse.

He's actually been on his best behaviour ever since he got his notice - he's cleaning as I write this - unbelieveable.

I have checked daft myself and there are tons of places to rent so he's not going to have a problem.
Perhaps it's not such a bad idea to help him to find a place,
Actually, I think this is a terrible idea. If you start helping out, it suddenly becomes your problem to fix his problem. Every minor fault in prospective properties become blocking problems.

He has to solve this problem himself.