Best Sat Nav for use in Ireland.

No, TomTom maps haven't improved much over the 18 months for rural ireland. They use TeleAtlas. Google also used Teleatals (for Ireland) until they booted them out during the summer. Since then Google have been very proactive in dealing with reported problems. I know because I have reported about 50 since June and they have fixed about 48 of them often within hours.

I reported lots more to TeleAtlas and despite assurances that they had fixed the Issue they never made the fix.

TomTom are very poor for rural Ireland.


I am involved in map corrections around Ireland & I can list hundreds of corrections I have got addressed. If you want to forward me anything in particular I'll get it looked at.
What map are you on at the moment.?
Sorry I posted an image but it seems to have disappeared.

Using search for 1 Bridgefield, Killarney or 1 Dennehy's Road (sic). You can clearly see the rail line incorrectly marked about 50m west of the actual track and a road marked "rail track" with junctions onto public roads where the live railway line actually is.
Since I upgraded my iPhone software the NavFree app itn't working properly.
I am involved in map corrections around Ireland & I can list hundreds of corrections I have got addressed.

Hi Koolkid and a happy Christmas and New Year.

TeleAtlas still haven't fixed that dangerous situation in Killarney.

Do TomTom still use the dreadful Teleatlas service for Ireland?

I agree with that Latrade.

Whats frustrating about Tom Tom is not the inaccuracies as such but their lack of ability (interest) to fix the errors in timely fashion.


[broken link removed]
The problem at Dennehy's Bohereen , Killarney (where a live railway line is depicted as a public road) has still not been rectified. Google rectified the problem with in days!

When it comes to rural Ireland TeleAtlas/Tom Tom dont seem to be as committed as their rivals.