Wrong forum Being let go from job - Rights


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I was informed by my boss that i would be getting let go in the next few weeks probably along with all the other staff, as he is planning on either closing the buisness or running it single handed himself.

He said to start looking between now and the next 6wks and if i find something i should take it. However, he asked if i would train up his wife who would look after the day to day basics. I'm not sure if he plans to pay her a wage or not. am i being duped into leaving myself or should i hang in till the doors are closed??

I'm already on a 3 day week and getting JB for the other days.
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How long have you worked there?
after being with the company 1yr 4mths, all staff were transferred to another company (fathers to sons) with same duties etc. in the new co. i am there since april, i don't think the previous service counts even though it was a transfer because we were p45'd