BBQ time - marinade for vegetables


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Anyone know how to make veg nice on a BBQ. I do grilled courgettes (olive oil and herbs) and blacken yellow peppers, onions in tin foil directly into the coals etc and otherwise I do meat on a skewer with the veg which works out great, but I'm doing lamb chops and chicken wings this evening and want to do just veg skewers, any ideas?

Also anyone know how to do corn on the cob without it burnning and how long does it take, all I've ever managed is to burn them.

Also any other BBQ ideas are welcome.
Isn't this weather just fantastic - everyone is so happy and the smell of BBQ's wafting in from the neighbours gardens is great! :)

The OH, who is a chef, marinates veggies in olive oil and rape seed oil and herbs - he did some lovely butternut squash at the weekend. You could do rosemary roast potatoes (par-boiled and tossed in olive oil and fresh rosemary) on a tray on the BBQ to go with your lamb chops.

The corn on the cob should be cooked in water, milk with a pinch of salt and then wrapped in foil or laid on the edge of the BBQ to brown slightly.

Favourite BBQ treat is salmon (or any fish you like) wrapped in a foil parcel with white wine, butter and herbs - yummy!
Never thought of doing potatotes that way, I'll give that a go another time. I might do the salmon tomorrow, we're going to just do a salad this evening as Mr.Bronte has BBQ fatigue, he gets confused about being the cook and not being able to eat first while it's hot and having to get up constantly, and the heat isn't helping from the sun and the BBQ.

What's with the milk and the corn, you mean butter?

Same here, everybody is so happy, we nearly have heat exhaustion, it's 30 degrees where Mr. Bronte is right now, he went to another city to do a medical test and he's sweltering. I have all the curtains closed to keep out the sun. And the kids brought up the fans 2 days ago.
OH says the lactose in the milk makes the corn sweeter - he always cooks it in 2/3 water and 1/3 milk with salt. I can't comment, not really much of a cook, delighted I married one - he loves cooking and washing dishes! :D