Bargain Alerts Forum/Thread


Registered User
Is this a bit pasee?

For example, today I bought branded goods from a high-street multiple, original price 75.00 euro, I paid 19.99.

How do we police advertising, schills & glove puppets?

Any enthusiasm or interest?

I think it would be an excellent idea, ideally with a specific forum so each promotion or bargain could have it's own discussion thread.

There would probably have to be a few rules to ensure no stealth advertising, but I'd imagine a genuine promotion being plugged (once) by a genuine business would possibly be acceptable to both the majority here and the site owner perhaps ?
Any enthusiasm or interest?

Always interested in a bargain. Would think a new thread is better than people going back reading the bargains from 2012.

I see school uniforms, the whole kit and koobdle can be got for less than a tenner in Dunnes/Aldi etc.
Is this a bit pasee?
Any enthusiasm or interest?

I had not understood your point.

I assumed that you knew the forum existed and that you thought that the forum itself was out of date or no longer necessary.

There was very little interest in it at the time. Smashbox kept highlighting bargains, but few others did.

Apologies to Brendan and others, my AAM geography deserted me momentarily. I'll post there and we might even revitalize interest.
Yeah, lets ditch the bargain alerts forum, agreed that do a good job of this.

However, I think there is room for a new "supermarkets" forum.

Looking on multiple forums on, it is clear that talking about supermarkets is popular. Similar, on other forums such as

Examples of what it might include:
Best buys from Aldi and Lidl etc
Best place to buy fruit / veg / toiletries discussions.
Online delivery discussions.
Branded versus unbranded product discussions.

Hi guys

Thanks for the suggestions.

I have put it here in the Financial Forums to draw attention to it. When it's established I will move it to the non-financial issues area.
