Bank Account for a Club


Registered User
Am treasurer for a club which currently banks with AIB. The branch where the account was originally setup is nowhere near my home or workplace, I'm unable to view the account online and statements are sent seemingly when someone in the relevant AIB department can be bothered.

Can anyone recommend an account that provides the following;

- dual signatories
- online access
- monthly statements

- fee free banking
- interest

Many thanks in advance
We enquired about this before for our school but because we had dual signatories online banking wasn't an option.

Think about it .... online one person can do the transacting, offline it needs both so the online facility just wasn't compatible.

Monthly statements weren't provided but if required would have been charged for. Easiest thing to do is call to your bank and get an account print out when you need it ... for upcoming meetings etc.

Fee free banking .... not automatic but open to local bargaining.
Interest .... not worth the bother as most of your transacting will be through current account. If you have a lump sum to invest shop around for best deal.

We had a 90 day notice for non-urgent monies that could be put away and a 30 day notice for monies that would need quick access. All it took was a letter to bank giving notice of withdrawal. If you're organised it will work fine.

If you can get a waiver of fees you'll be doing good. Put up with the rest.