Baggot Street Investment Partners - Peter Brown.

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Hi All,

Probably a long shot but has anyone here used his services? If you could provide any feedback on your experience that would be great. I've met with them and liked what I heard, but lots of people can talk the talk. Some insight on their performance / capabilities from someone who knows would be a great help.
There is no reason why he should be any better or worse than any other general financial advisory firm.

However, I think you are better off going to a Certified Financial Planner which is the highest form of qualification e.g. Steven Barrett who contributes to Askaboutmoney is one.
I don't know if Peter Brown is one, but from listening to him on the radio from time to time, I doubt it.

I have never used them but Peter Brown is always on the ball, he was well ahead of most finance guys in Ireland in warning about the over valuation in the US and government bond markets and the prospect of inflation returning. Sure the Irish central bank was pooh poohing high inflation rates as recently as a year ago
Peter Brown is always on the ball,

Hi Joe

I really don't think you can say that without documenting all his forecasts over the last ten years and comparing them with the outcomes.

So the best you can say is that "Peter Brown is sometimes on the ball".

I doubt that he has any supernatural abilities. He probably gets some calls right and others wrong.

@Brendan Burgess well I meant he is prepared to make bold predictions and go against the consensus, it was pretty bold to be advising people to stay away from tech and bonds 2 years ago and that inflation was returning. Nobody else in the Irish financial commentary was saying that.
Hi All,

Probably a long shot but has anyone here used his services? If you could provide any feedback on your experience that would be great. I've met with them and liked what I heard, but lots of people can talk the talk. Some insight on their performance / capabilities from someone who knows would be a great help.
I would be very wary of dealing with a smaller provider like that.

I put people like Peter Brown and Paul Sommerville in similar buckets, i.e. shock jocks with some media profile who terrify investors and get airtime with their regular predictions of doom in markets.

It drives the worst kind of investor behaviours.

I give people like that zero credit for anything they’ve said about inflation or tech stocks over the last two years because they’ve been saying the same thing for the last 10 years!
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Hi All,

Probably a long shot but has anyone here used his services? If you could provide any feedback on your experience that would be great. I've met with them and liked what I heard, but lots of people can talk the talk. Some insight on their performance / capabilities from someone who knows would be a great help.
Do you want an active or passive investment strategy?

Financial advisors have zero impact on fund performance. They shouldn't receive praise when markets go up and shouldn't be blamed when markets go down. Both are outside of their control.

What they should do it guide you through the maze of financial products and funds, finding the one most suitable for you. And helping you plan for your future, so you have enough money to enjoy life.

Steven (
Do you want an active or passive investment strategy?

I will split the investment strategy. Some will be allocated toward a more active approach, Peter's business partner David seems to look after that aspect and picks the stocks. Obviously with input from from the investor if they have certain parameters or ethical motivations. The other half would be more passive, pick some funds / stocks, try to leave them alone for the most part and hope that compound interest does it's thing over a 20+ year period.

What they should do it guide you through the maze of financial products and funds, finding the one most suitable for you. And helping you plan for your future, so you have enough money to enjoy life.

I've spoken with financial planners and gotten (what I deem to be) good advice. They quizzed me in depth about what I want to achieve, appetite for risk, what I consider I need to be comfortable etc. etc. I found it to be quite thorough. I was given a plan which outlined the steps I need to take in order to achieve the goals that I mentioned and I was happy with that document. Part of that plan was investing in stocks, part of it was investing in property and other ventures.

Property and other ventures, I have some experience in and can navigate those minefields with a degree of confidence. The stock market, I have zero experience in and not much knowledge other than the books and articles I've been reading since deciding to invest. It's that aspect I'm considering going to Baggot Street for help with.
@Brendan Burgess well I meant he is prepared to make bold predictions and go against the consensus, it was pretty bold to be advising people to stay away from tech and bonds 2 years ago and that inflation was returning. Nobody else in the Irish financial commentary was saying that.
Does he do horoscopes as well?
@Brendan Burgess well I meant he is prepared to make bold predictions and go against the consensus, it was pretty bold to be advising people to stay away from tech and bonds 2 years ago and that inflation was returning. Nobody else in the Irish financial commentary was saying that.
And what was he saying 4/6/8/10 years ago?
@Brendan Burgess well I meant he is prepared to make bold predictions and go against the consensus, it was pretty bold to be advising people to stay away from tech and bonds 2 years ago and that inflation was returning. Nobody else in the Irish financial commentary was saying that.
Article I wrote in July 2020.

I am not an economist or investment analyst. It was widely reported that the longer QE went on, the more likely the chances of high inflation. Then when it did arrive, there was a big debate as to whether it was transitory or not. Economists were split on this, with differing opinions that both held weight.

I don't know the people of Baggot Street Investments. But if making bold predictions is their thing, they have a very different investment philosophy to me. I avoid making bold predictions at all costs (again, I am not an economist or investment analyst). When you make bold predictions and they work out, you are a genius and you make your clients lots of money. When they don't, you are responsible for taking unnecessary risks with clients money and the big losses that they have suffered as a result of your bold predications.

If clients get the average returns of the market, they will make money. That's my job, to ensure they make money through prudent investment.

Steven (
And what was he saying 4/6/8/10 years ago?
He was probably a bit early with regard to the US markets and US dollar being overvalued in 2020 but he was bang on about inflation and the bond markets and Europe.

I actually had a post about his thoughts from listening to an interview with him on newstalk back in 2020, remember we were at the start of the covid lockdowns so predicting that inflation was coming and that us tech was overvalued was pretty radical especially in Ireland where all these guys just sit on the fence and never say anything interesting.

I was actually surprised at the vitriol and disdain I got from people on this site about him , I'm thinking maybe there must be a personality issue or something there as Dublin is a small place in the financial world.
Never met him or never used his company just basing my thoughts on interviews and articles he has done. All he is doing is getting investors to look at the big picture and position their investments towards undervaluation and away from overvaluation
I was actually surprised at the vitriol and disdain I got from people on this site about him

When was that? I can't find occasional mentions of him on Askaboutmoney but no vitriol.

Most people on Askaboutmoney believe you can't beat the index by active investing so would have no time for people who claim that they can or who run courses to teach people how to do it.

And the future is uncertain and unpredictable. So when someone comes on the radio and tells the listeners confidently what will happen, they probably get treated with disdain by many on askaboutmoney.

Interesting, I didn't realise he was known as a "Doomsday Prophet" kind of guy. I must say he certainly didn't come across like that to me when we met. In contrast to say Paul Sommerville whom I spoke with also, but I immediately got that impression from him which turned me off. What I heard from Peter is that while a lot of the market is / was overvalued, there is still a lot of value to be had out there, just not in the same areas we are used to.

I just Googled a few articles and I don't see the doom gloom warnings either. Granted it was just a quick search! Perhaps there are loads
@Gordon Gekko - is it possible you've tarred him with the same brush as Paul Sommerville unfairly? Or is that really his thing?

Again, I know next to nothing about investing only what I've began reading in the last 6 months. So perhaps he is another shock jock, I just wasn't aware of that. Any one else had any experience with him or opinions on him?
He was probably a bit early with regard to the US markets and US dollar being overvalued in 2020 but he was bang on about inflation and the bond markets and Europe.
"A bit early" presumably means "wrong"?
So he's got a 50:50/as good as chance track record on predicting the future?
I just Googled a few articles and I don't see the doom gloom warnings either. Granted it was just a quick search! Perhaps there are loads
@Gordon Gekko - is it possible you've tarred him with the same brush as Paul Sommerville unfairly? Or is that really his thing?
He is often interviewed during the business section of RTE lunchtime news. Just commentary and analysis and no "doom gloom warnings". I have no idea what he is like as an investment adviser but the pejorative labelling here is just nonesense (or "shock-jocking", maybe).
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definitely disdain and ridicule of his viewpoints.

Hi Joe

Most of use would disagree with him.

I would prefer to recommend an advisor who doesn't claim superhuman forecasting powers. It means that they recognise their own limitations. When I hear someone making confident forecasts, I realise that they don't recognise their own limitations.

He is often interviewed during the business section of RTE lunchtime news. Just commentary and analysis and no "doom gloom warnings". I have no idea what he is like as an investment adviser but the pejorative labelling here is just nonesense (or "shock-jocking", maybe).

See above re “overvalued stocks” on 23 December.

See above warning investors about overvaluation in the US.

Negative again above.

Is a stock market meltdown imminent above, using words like “catastrophic” and “collapse”.

Negative above in 2014.

“A summer of volatility” above.

“Economic crisis”

“The Financial Dangers lurking beneath”