Backdating pension contributions



Hi All, some advice please:

I have been employed by a Dutch company for several years. I am a UK citizen, resident in the UK and work in the UK full time.

The original agreement I had with the employer included a company pension scheme, but it now seems that it is not possible for me to enrol in this scheme, due to my UK residency.

The company have asked me to find a suitable private pension scheme, to which they will make contributions, including a lump sum to make up for missing out on the past 2 years.

As the original agreement included a pension scheme, and it is through their lack of action that I have not been enrolled, would HMRC accept that a lump sum that I paid in to a private pension scheme could count as contributions for previous years, and thus allow me to add the 20%, plus claim 20% through this year's tax return?

I think there is something in place for part-time workers that should have been enrolled into workplace pension schemes, so I was wondering whether to present it to HMRC as an individual case.

If HMRC would only allow this for the 2011-12 tax year, it would be a plus.

Thanks for reading!
The tax and pension laws between Ireland and the UK are different. This is an Irish site and it is unlikely you will get access to the expertise you need.