Awkward colleague; how should I handle him?

It would be good project management practice to clarify roles & responsibilities at the outset of any project. Sit down with him & the project manager and agree clearly what his role is, what his role isn't and what deliverables he is expected to deliver.
ClubMan - I know they are subjective criticisms; this is often a genuine reason for complaint however, particularly in private industry. I have seen perfectly suitable candidates rejected after interview because of things like 'cultural fit'; how can that be objectively measured?

In any case, i never suggested he was 'causing trouble' - my post was simply aimed at gaining some tips on improving MY approach so that we can work better together.

RainyDay - This would be good practice I know. Fortunately or unfortunately, (depending on how you look at it) our company is relatively small and we are all required to be very flexible in our roles and assignments from week to week. That said, I could very well arrange a review/progress meeting with the PM to clarify what deliverables he requires from us each week and share the work out based on that.
Mel said:
ClubMan - I know they are subjective criticisms; this is often a genuine reason for complaint however, particularly in private industry. I have seen perfectly suitable candidates rejected after interview because of things like 'cultural fit'; how can that be objectively measured?
My last post was directed at DrMoriarty about his assertion that your work colleague was a "grade A asshole".