Irish Life Health Aviva Policy equivalent to Quinn Company Care Starter


Registered User
Trying to cut cost after huge hike in premium.

However, Aviva's website only gives equivalent policies to the Quinn Essential Plans. And when I telephoned, was quoted €4000 pa, as against Quinns €2300.

In addition, when I look up online for Quinn as a new customer, I am quoted €1984. Would this just be for new customers (if they can do that) or should I speak to them ?

Any help appreciated, it is v confusing.
What is your renewal date? There is a price increase on Quinn Company Plans from 1 Feb 2012 ( 2% to 25%). Your quote of 2300 must include this price increase. The price of 1984 is the price upto and including 31 Jan 2012.

There is no Aviva plan equivalent to Quinn Company Care Starter pricewise.
However there is an alternative plan with Quinn called Simply Health
Starter 2 adults + 2 kids = 1912pa.

An option with Vhi at present is PMI 06 11.
2 adults + 2 kids = 1958pa.

[broken link removed]

Hope this enlightens your decision.

Thanks, snowyb, renewal date is 01/02/2012 which puts us onto 25% higher premium as you say . I don't suppose there is a way to backdate renewal to 01/01/2012 & get lower premium ?

Will also spend some time on HIA website this morning, & try to find an equivalent. Don't need gp visits as we have med card cover, but would like to keep consultants visits covered.

My deductions so far are that Aviva look for an excess on hospital stays, ( I assume this is what is meant when % is shown). Vhi seem to be more expensive, is there any circumstances where they are competitive ?

Thanks for your input, feel slightly more enlightened but long way to go !
Its a renewal with Quinn though, so I am not joining. Think I tried it last year, and they wouldn't allow it...(unless anybody knows different)
Quinn only have starting dates for their plans on the 1st of the month.

Aviva are the most flexible. How important is the gp cover ? How many visits do you need? The Company Care Starter plan limits your inpatient cover in certain hospitals.

Thanks for all your advice. After a lot of head scratching, we have decided not to renew, with anybody . A risk I know but 200 per month is a big chunk out of current earnings, and we will put some aside for possible future medical expenses.
I fully respect your decision, but just to bring to your attention the following prices already quoted above.
I fully respect your decision but just to bring to your attention the following prices already quoted above.

Quinn Simply Health Starter: 1912per year ( 159.33 per month )

Vhi Plan PMI 06 11: 1960 per year ( 163.33 per month )

Sorry I messed up last post.
Thanks snowyb. Still trying to decide if it is the right decision. I am reflecting on this decision not to renew over the weekend. If I do decide to renew or go with aviva or vhi now, 4 days later, & backdate cover to 01 February, would there be any problems ? Effectively , what I am saying is, is there a grace period, to keep cover going, for pre - existing conditions ?
Do you really need the day to day cover? If not, remember Quinn & Aviva will allow the greatest flexibility which could mean that you get the equivalent of 8 maybe more visits to doctor at outset, per child, by changing your plan !

Can you explain what you mean by day to day cover ? I do have a couple of pre-existing conditions that may require surgery in next 10 yrs, so wld like cover for that eventuality.

Any thoughts on renewing , now that officially policy expired 01 Feb ?
Thanks snowyb. Still trying to decide if it is the right decision. I am reflecting on this decision not to renew over the weekend. If I do decide to renew or go with aviva or vhi now, 4 days later, & backdate cover to 01 February, would there be any problems ? Effectively , what I am saying is, is there a grace period, to keep cover going, for pre - existing conditions ?

There is a grace period of 13 weeks. Once you renew within 13 weeks, you do not have to re-serve your waiting times.

Regarding your query re day to day cover:
A health insurance policy is divided into 2 parts.

Part 1 refers to hospital cover, or overnight stays in hospital as an inpatient for treatment or operations etc.

Part 2 refers to day to day cover; this means you can claim a refund for GP fees, consultant fees, dental costs and a list of other practioners.

Since you have a medical card, you may not fully use day to day cover.
Some policies have good hospital cover and less day to day cover.

If you decide not to renew your health insurance, Quinn have a fairly new policy called Health Protect Scheme since July 2010. It will protect your waiting periods until you are in a position to rejoin. It costs 65 per year per adult and 30 per child per year.

There is a thread dealing with this in more detail called Breaking Your Record - What happen, (Dec 2011 )
It may be worth phoning Quinn, if you need more info. Quinn are the only company with this type of policy.

It may be worth phoning Quinn, if you need more info. Quinn are the only company with this type of policy.

VHI have one as well but be aware that they both tie you to the particular company as the other companies won't recognise for waiting period purposes.

Thanks both of you, thats very useful. will definitely go for one of them. One question : what is there to stop me doing this, & when I need treatment, just re-starting my policy ?
VHI have one as well but be aware that they both tie you to the particular company as the other companies won't recognise for waiting period purposes.


What is the name of VHI's version of this type of policy?
Is there information about it on HIA website or on VHI website?
