Attic Conversion In A BER A Rated House


Registered User
I have a 3 bed semi that is Ber A2 rated, and has solar panels on the rear aspect / has a mechanical ventilation heat recovery system in the attic with associated ducting. I want to convert the attic into a playroom / 4th bedroom. I'm aware of the issues about habitable space etc.

Can anyone recommend a builder / company in the dublin area that has experience of doing attic conversions in a Ber A rated house, and would be able to relocate the solar panels / MVHR unit & ducting? Most of the regular attic conversion people don't seem to have any experience of this kind of work.
Is this the house you referred to here?

If the regular conversion companies don't want to touch it, I'd imagine it either isn't possible, or will be exorbitantly expensive.

If you want to maintain the BER rating, it may well be a challenge to get much in the way of usable space.
No, in fact its a different house. I've been in the attic and there is plenty of space to convert, no height issues.
Basically get the MVHR contractor to deal with the MVHR relocation inc roof ducting & the solar panel person to deal with the solar panel relocation and then we'll do it. So three different parties, and who do you go to if there is a roof leak! I would like a contractor who will do the lot..