Are strike days deducted from years of service worked for superanuation?


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Is it normal to have strike days deducted from years of service worked for superanuation?
Should overtime be included in working out years of service since I think PRSA is paid on this?
Re: pension

Is it normal to have strike days deducted from years of service worked for superanuation?
Im not entirely sure what the answer to this question is but would guess that if your were paid for the period on strike then your superannuation deduction would have been made and that the service would be reckonable. If you were not paid then you would not have made the contributions and would not accrue service. The reality is that this would be difficult to administer. You could contact a trade union to determine what the custom and practice is in relation to superannuation service and strike days.[/quote]

Should overtime be included in working out years of service since I think PRSA is paid on this?
I dont understand this question but normally overtime is not reckonable for superannuation purposes. Nevertheless the I know there may be some exceptions to this (see a post here for superannuation in An Post). I dont understand your reference to PRSA's.
AFAIK, strike days are definitely deducted. Overtime is probably not included, however your pensionable salary might include an average of overtime worked in the last x years.
Thank you for your replies. Yes have checked with Union and they say strike days are deducted but can be negotiated. So I'm off to try that. I worked a lot of overtime over the years and it seems only right that this should be taken into consideration in pension calculations. Hope the nurses are aware of this and any other groups involved in strike action. It's particularly hard for women workers as they tend to leave the workforce to have children, then return sometimes working shorter hours and in the end they receive a very small pension.
In the context of a working life of 10 to 40 years, I don't imagine a few days off on strike should have a dramatic impact on pension?

Overtime would usually not be pensionable income, and it should not be unless it has been funded for by both the employee (did you pay pension contributions on this income?) and by the employer.
have checked with Union and they say strike days are deducted but can be negotiated. So I'm off to try that.
Yes, but.....

Strike days were usually reinstated as pensionable back in the days when individual unions had some negotiating clout. Now it's all a comfortable stitch-up between the government and ICTU and individual unions are a nuisance so they have little chance of settling on such terms.

As for negotiating a special deal for yourself? Doubt it....
Over a period of 28 years surely 40 days strike deductions are a lot. In strike negotiations they should be part of the deal when it comes to returning to work. I will try to negotiate but this will take time as there other issues mainly due to ambiguous wording of an early retirement pkg.

At retirement time when these are deducted, plus say extra maternity leave, plus a period of part time work they all add up especially in the case of women.