Appreciation of snowyb


Registered User
A lot of people contribute an awful lot to this site from a professional point of view over years from Liam Ferguson and Steven Barrett and financial advice. MF1 for legal matters. Jim Stafford from insolvency. Plenty of others too including obviously Brendan himself. All give their time and expertise freely to make this site what it is.

But I think one person has continuously amazed me with the amount of time he spends answering people's queries. I think they have answered every post. Gone above and beyond with the detail and helpfulness. Have saved people a large amount of time and money. Take a bow @snowyb in the health insurance forum.
Careful now we don't want to lure snowyb into the depths ...may not leave time for all the expert money savings posts about health insurance...
Absolutely. I was about to post but someone with a similar request posted last week.

With the amount of plans I'd have no issue paying for the advise.

Well done Snowyb. Praise very well deserved.
Well now, we don't know where he/she is from! I do know that he/she did not attend the Cork event though.
I rarely visit the depths ... on Askaboutmoney anyway. But today is a quiet Bank Holiday Monday and I'm mooching about.

I see that @snowyb has not posted since April. Of course people can take breaks for all sorts of reasons. I just hope that everything is okay with a great member of this community.
Likewise, I was just thinking of snowyb recently. I had donated to Jack & Jill as a thank you to snowyb last Christmas, after he/she had advised on our Heath insurance for a second year. I was reminded of them last week when I got a letter from Jack & Jill advertising Christmas cards etc. I truly hope snowyb is ok.