Anyone experiencing problems with O2 e-mail


Registered User
I have logged on to my O2 e-mail both today and yesterday & was outraged to see that there seems to have been some breach. I have received a deluge of e-mails from people I dont know telling me that there e-mail has been down. some e-mails have attachments that my computer detected viruses on. I am also receiving junk e-mails from CIA & FBI to name a few. Can anyone empathise with me on this
I still use the o2 email facility even though I moved to vodafone a year ago. I am not experiencing any difficulty in my o2 email account.

Sounds like your email address is on someone's PC(s) that has become infected with the latest computer viruscalled Sober.

Keep your anti-virus software up to date and simply delete the suspicous emails without opening them or their attachments.
