Advice sought for sale of Apt


Registered User
Just looking for peoples views on the this.

I've had an apt for sale in Cork for 2 months and there doesn't seem to be much interest in it. The EA has advertisied on myhome, daft and his own website but doesn't believe in the Saturday papers. The apt is only about 3 years old and in perfect condition. The price is under the stamp for 1st time buyers.

Basically, I'm in a hurry to sell it because it is costing me too much. Should I:
A: Drop the price
B: Give it to a second agent that will put it in the Saturday papers

If you're looking for a quick sale due to costs, I think you should drop your price. Also, Stamp duty is irrelevant now since the changes will be backdated to April.
I don't think that the Saturday paper advertising will do anything for the sale prospects-bear in mind that this could significantly add to the advertising costs which will have to be paid whether you sell or not.
I don't think that the Saturday paper advertising will do anything for the sale prospects-bear in mind that this could significnatly add to the advertising costs which will have to be paid whether you sell or not.

hi ya...
i'm going trying to sell mine at the moment also. it's with a big estate agent. it's on daft, myhome etc. I advertised it myself in the herald teh independant, the sunday independant, 2 of the local papers, the buy&sell, local shops, work etc. costs an absolute fortune. ur looking at about 80 quid for a 2 line advert for 4 days in each national paper. so advertising costs add up quickly. got about 2 phone calls out of it.

EA told me that due to the interest hikes, FTB's are preferring to rent as the rent is lower than any mortgage payments they would take on, thus their not buying. market is dead as a doornail at the moment.

you can ask ur agent to advertise in whatever publications you want him to. he's meant to be working for you after all. but you will have to pay for it!

best of luck

edited to say: i also dropped the price of mine, still no interest. EA said it's not a price issue. people just aren't coming thru the door
While I agree that people use daft and myhome in Cork the Sat. Examiner paper is read by all those looking to buy...It has a very secific property supplement for Cork City and Munster. It's worth a shot imo. What has your EA advised on price? Have you pitched it to get people in to view the apt? Good luck with it anyway.
Drop the price. I sold an apartment this year also, had plenty of viewings, everyone liking the place but saying they can get cheaper close by, albeit at a lesser standard. Dropped the price then by a considerable yet still affordable amount for me and thats when we started getting people who were actually serious about buying our place viewing it. Sold it then within 3 weeks. My place was under stamp duty so that was never an issue.
You will eventually get a buyer if you drop the price low enough. This is what you have to do to shift it in a falling market where there is an oversupply of property like yours. You may think that the property is worth £xx, but it is only worth £xx if somebody is prepared to pay this.
Hi there,

I think you should change estate agent. My house is other end of market - high end. Had 2 different agents (joint agents) selling my house on 2% commission shared between them. I knew my house would take 6 months or 1 year to sell but in the nearly 4 months I have had it up - I had 2 viewings from only one of the auctioneers - the other introduced no one. I got rid of both of them last week - they put their signs up outside put it on daft and my home and hoped for the best. That ain't good enough in today's market - they now have to work for their commission. I have employed a new auctioneer - I found his approach totally professional, very informative and honest - he will phone at end of every week to keep me informed whether or not anyone view - after each month the house is on the market we review our strategy etc. His words and not mine were "the days of putting up a sign and hoping for the best are gone." Of course price comes into it - I dropped our price by E15,000 but even with that you have to get people through your door. No harm to change if you don't feel happy with the service.

I do hope you sell your property soon. Best of luck
I'm on the other end of the deal.

I'm a potential buyer (money in the bank) looking to buy a good sized detached 4 bedroom house in Cork City.

I'm totally allergic to Estate Agents so that doesn't make my life easier.
I would jump at the chance to buy a house privately face to face with the seller with no messing, no winks, nods or games.

I believe people should have a go at selling privately. I know lots of people who have had very good results advertising themselves on Daft. Afterall No one knows your house better than you.

I dont think dropping your price by 10,000 will have any affect on demand. Dropping by 50,000 might do !!

Im beginning to see the first signs of frustrated buyers emerging. The bloodbath can't be too far off now.

I am genuinely sorry for the average householder but cant wait to see those slimey estate agents disappear off the face of this planet