Adelphi House, Dun Laoghaire


Registered User

If anyone knows of these apartments and the immediate area could they please give me some feedback. Either on this thread or by PM.

I hope its ok to mention an apartment block by name in the thread title?
I work just beside these apts. so know the area reasonably well.

Generally speaking the area is fine (granted I'm only here Mon - Fri, 9 - 5). I don't know if you know Dun Laoghaire - if you do, you will will know that it's not as well to do as some of its' other southside neighbours e.g. Glasthule, Monkstown etc and the HSE have a methodone clinic here so that doesn't help...
However, I've been working on the same street as these apts for ten years and I've never experienced any problems...
These apts have been empty for a long time about 18 months so you should be able to negotiate a good discount on them...

Im not sure if any of this infomation helps you - have you any specific questions?
Just wondering if anyone has any more info on this development, or any other apartment complexes nearby in DL e.g. the anchorage, harbour view etc.? Build quality in Adelphi house looks good to me, but I know the locations in further from the coast like some of the other developments.