Accountants Fees


Registered User
can anybody give a guidance on accountancy fees in the north west of the country? sole trader!
Depends on who you go to and what you need to get done. I use a firm in sligo town...roughly 900 for doing year end books & returns. Only need to see them once or twice a year. Price around, and I recommend getting someone who's known by the revenue...less hassle if revenue know their good accountants.
no employees just me, registered for vat and have a training consultancy firm work both north and south but very basic accounts with main client paying minus withheld tax [gov body]
Assuming no complications and assuming you do your own VAT this job could be easily done for €500 plus vat. We are living in the technology age - no need to complicate matters. Just scan and email. Meet once a year or more if needed.
As an accountant myself... have to say its all based on time ... charge out rates differ depending on qualifications... based in Galway myself would say roughly €500 plus vat for the first year... most accountants will give a quote if you ring