400 New Posts in Revenue


Registered User
I think it worth a mention. For those stuck in dead end jobs, unceasing interns, unhappy call centre jockeys, looking for a change etc and for everybody else (according to RTE News Yesterday) 400 jobs in the Revenue Commissioners will be advertised in the coming months.
Weeeeeellll I'm not sure that you could call them new posts - they'll be replacing (a fraction of the) people who have retired / are retiring.

And I'd say the ship has sailed for a lot of these jobs already, as the Clerical Officer competition is over and people are now being taken on, the EO competition is in train with the deadline for entry already passed, there's an AO competition with its deadlines closing today (for ICT roles) and last week (for auditors).

So I think RTE missed the boat by about 6 months to report this news - the 400 figure is taken from Revenue Chairman Niall Cody's statement yesterday at the launch of Revenue's annual report, he said they'd be hiring 400 people during the year. The vast majority of those will be at CO/EO grades, both of which are now well past their deadline for applications... Cody didn't say anything about advertising the jobs in the coming months - they were advertised months ago on publicjobs.ie...

Shoddy workmanship, Ted, on RTE's part...
But sure maybe it's news to RTE. They've been so busy acting as PR agents on behalf of the Government/Denis O'Brien Alliance/Irish Water that they're in catchup mode with other important stuff.
Hey Guys! I'm one cynical Leper but Jonser and Mathser above have topped me. If McDonalds announced 40 new jobs there would be front page news with politicians clapping themselves in the back that 40 people more will be off the Live Register. If a Call Centre announced 100 new jobs there would be people elated in hoping for a six week contract. McDonalds and Call Centres are renowned for their ability to pay as little as possible.

The 400 new jobs in Revenue are a godsend for Ireland Ltd. Look at it anyway you like, there will be a knock-on effect in the economy. Four hundred people will be lifted from the Live Register. Four hundred people is a "lotta spend" - Let's embrace this, not knock it.
Hey Guys! I'm one cynical Leper but Jonser and Mathser above have topped me. If McDonalds announced 40 new jobs there would be front page news with politicians clapping themselves in the back that 40 people more will be off the Live Register. If a Call Centre announced 100 new jobs there would be people elated in hoping for a six week contract. McDonalds and Call Centres are renowned for their ability to pay as little as possible.

The 400 new jobs in Revenue are a godsend for Ireland Ltd. Look at it anyway you like, there will be a knock-on effect in the economy. Four hundred people will be lifted from the Live Register. Four hundred people is a "lotta spend" - Let's embrace this, not knock it.
I'm not knocking it at all, and I stand to benefit more than most from it! ;)

Reread your OP though - I don't know whether it's Chinese whispers and you've taken the rte report up the wrong way, or if tgey're misreporting it - but you've implied that these jobs will be advertised in the coming months, and I'm simply telling you, the vast majority if not all of them were advertised months ago and the panels formed.

And also, the title is incorrect, they're mostly not new posts, they're critical vacancies arising on retirements.

Just clarifying the facts - it is great news, but late news!
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