1st time LL - what happens when a potential tenant asks if you accept rent allowance


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Getting ready to rent out my apartment and getting myself up to speed on insurance, tax, expenses etc. But need to fast-track my knowledge on the RAS scheme.

I am not going directly to Dublin City Council to rent through them.

But what happens when a potential tenant asks if you accept rent allowance - what is involved if you say YES. Does your property still have to be assessed to meet the requirements of the council etc?
You should read this site inside out before commiting to any rental.

No affiliation .
Getting ready to rent out my apartment and getting myself up to speed on insurance, tax, expenses etc. But need to fast-track my knowledge on the RAS scheme.

I am not going directly to Dublin City Council to rent through them.

But what happens when a potential tenant asks if you accept rent allowance - what is involved if you say YES. Does your property still have to be assessed to meet the requirements of the council etc?

They're two very different schemes.
But what happens when a potential tenant asks if you accept rent allowance - what is involved if you say YES. Does your property still have to be assessed to meet the requirements of the council etc?

I have some tenants on social welfare, I just fill out the HSE (Health Board) Form for rent allowance. I think that someone (from the CWO, community welfare office) comes out to see that the tenant actually lives there but as a landlord I'm not a party to that.
I have tenants on social welfare but I have always insisted that the cheque is sent to me directly by the health board and this has worked out very well for me. Usually the tenant tops it up by a direct payment into my account or if you have any worries about tenant it might be a good idea to suggest collecting it yourself and that way you can keep an eye on conditions of your house.
RAS is totally different , if you think youll keep the place full at all times try to get someone on SW as you will then get market rent