Mrs Robinson


Registered User
The [broken link removed] have a good piece today on the unfolding drama. Personally I have absolutely no sympathy for her and very little for him; a pair of more intolerant, homophobic bigots would be hard to find anywhere on this island.
"As you sow, so shall you reap" as she'd say herself.
The [broken link removed] have a good piece today on the unfolding drama. Personally I have absolutely no sympathy for her and very little for him; a pair of more intolerant, homophobic bigots would be hard to find anywhere on this island.
"As you sow, so shall you reap" as she'd say herself.


Just wondering what would God think is a greater abomination: homosexuality or adultery and corruption (not to forget bigotry etc)?
The [broken link removed] have a good piece today on the unfolding drama. Personally I have absolutely no sympathy for her and very little for him; a pair of more intolerant, homophobic bigots would be hard to find anywhere on this island.
"As you sow, so shall you reap" as she'd say herself.

Couldn't agree more - have no sympathy for the woman who said “There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children.” or for the man who stood along side her while she said it.
What's going to be just as funny is watching Sinn Fein taking the moral high ground!
While watching the Spotlight programme last night it struck me that if a man had done what Iris Robinson had done, there would be complete outrage. There would certainly be no talk of sympathy. She took advantage of her position of power and Peter Robinson didn't respond strongly enough, I think the mental health issue is being used as a smoke screen, I think that Peter Robinson's position is untenable.
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I would be more interested to find out about the 21 year who had the affair with her!! Was it her charms that beguiled him or her cheques?
This one was texted to me yesterday so apologies

"At the press conference was Peter Robinson actually crying? or was it just that something was stuck in his Iris?" lol
I am surprised that Mario Rosenstock hasn't come up with a variation on the Simon and Garfunkel classic yet.
He must be slipping...
This story is so fantastically funny I can't believe it. I wanted to put a post on today, here's to you Mrs. Robinson' but I wasn't sure we were allowed to talk about it.

I do realise what bigots they are but the story is getting better and better. I was explaining it to someone who doesn't understand the religion as being like the men in 'Breaking the Waves' mentality which makes this story all the more delicious.

Initally when I heard it from a humane point of view I felt sorry for them as I thought, well everyone makes mistakes, great the husband is standing by his wife of 40 years but now that I see it's a full sordid money story combined with clinging to power I have absolutely no sympathy.

They have only come forward to protect his political career, no way do I believe the suicide story, that's a cover up. She is hiding, she did it and she should be the one to face up to it. I wouldn't normally feel like this but it's because of the way they have lived their lives and preached to everybody else.

60 year old women and 19 year old boy, I don't think so. Not nice. An uneven relationship (and the sex of either doesn't matter here). Gigello, sex for money plain and simple.

She even had the neck to get the money back from him for her own uses.

I feel bad for saying this but to two more swarmy people, holier than thou, better than everybody else, the rightous, well it couldn't happen to two more nicer tolerant people. What ye sow ye shall reap indeed

It may be vindictive of me, perhaps, but I can't stand what she said about gays and all the years of it and other remarks and deeds. The pain this intolerence causes to people makes my blood boil.

Wonder what big Ian would have to say about this from his fire and brimstone pulpit, would be good listening.

They may be laughing up there recently at all the schenanegins in the Rome ruled down here (and rightly so) but there they have it themselves right at the top up there. This story has everything. The jokes in Donegal Belfast etc must be something else right now.

Interesting he has categorically stated he has never been unfaithful, why the need to make that comment I wonder? Queue the News of the World etc..............
Peter Robinson stated during the interview that he has forgiven his wife and that God has forgiven her also. (How does he know that? Is Peter Robinson God himself?) So, that's all right then.

This is from an article in today's Guardian:
Unlike her husband Peter (seemingly a model of stony-faced repression, despite his spiky, incongruously boyish haircut and jolly ties) Iris is emotional, loud, flamboyant and glamorous, a kind of Ulster Sarah Palin, and the very antithesis of the buttoned-up unionist matron. She charges about in her convertible Mini Cooper, leaving a cloud of perfume and gifts from grateful constituents trailing in her wake. Yet you sense that she is always watching herself being watched, creating a persona for herself in the same way she interior-designed her home, with its opulent Tuscan bathroom and four-poster Gothic bed.
This one was texted to me yesterday so apologies

"At the press conference was Peter Robinson actually crying? or was it just that something was stuck in his Iris?" lol

mean but really funny ...
she certainly looks well preserved but so does orange marmalade so my guess is, it was her bank account and privileges that the young man found so attractive ...
well, wonder if her pal, the psychiatrist can cure adultery and bigotry as good as he did homosexuality
As sordid and funny as this story sounds, there is a serious political side to it. There was already growning disillusionment with the DUP within Unionist communities and a drift towards more hardline parties. I think that is the last thing Northern Ireland needs and for the good of Northern Ireland, they simply have to go. To see him trying to cling onto power is pitiful.
There was already growning disillusionment with the DUP within Unionist communities and a drift towards more hardline parties.

What's more hard line than the DUP? They're only slightly left of Genghis Khan.
She is a vile piece of work as far as i am concerned - With her holier than thou attitude you would think she would be doing the opposite of hurting poeple.

I would hate to think what would happen if they had a child that turned out to be gay.
What's more hard line than the DUP? They're only slightly left of Genghis Khan.

There is a splinter group of the DUP, 'Traditional Unionist Voice' or something that has been taking voters from the DUP. Make the DUP look open minded.
Does anyone know if the Spotlight programme from last night is due to be repeated? Can't find it on the BBC iPlayer.
There is a splinter group of the DUP, 'Traditional Unionist Voice' or something that has been taking voters from the DUP. Make the DUP look open minded.

Yeah never thought I'd ever live to see a party more hardline than the DUP. The UUP were bearable as they tried at least to get on with Catholics a bit, but the DUP are so openly anti-Catholic its untrue.

And now we have the TUV !!

WOnder will we ever get a more hardline Nationalist party than Sinn Fein?

As for the Robinsons, its very very hard to feel any sympathy for them. When I watched Peter nearly in tears reading out his statement I was thinking, "so many people will be sitting at home saying 'Oh poor man, he is really hurting'", but of course he knew about all this since last March, so the timing of his tears was so stage managed as they knew the BBC programme was about to be released, that it is so hard to feel a shred of sympathy for him. Karma, eh? What goes around, comes around.

And all this nonsense about being back at his desk serving the people of NI again - yeah if you call not making any progress whatsoever with the Nationalists in your country progress, then I would prefer you stayed at home.

Can't see how his position can survive this to be honest. And he will be no loss imho. And if Iris had succeeded in her suicide attempt (was there really ever one?) then I don't think too many people would have shed a tear for her.