Irish People And Escalators


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Why do people in this country insist on standing abreast of each other on escalators and block anyone who decides that they want to walk?
I get tired of saying excuse me 10 times just trying to walk to the bottom of the escalator.
Why do people in this country insist on standing abreast of each other on escalators and block anyone who decides that they want to walk?
I get tired of saying excuse me 10 times just trying to walk to the bottom of the escalator.

try the stairs. the whole point of an escalator is that you don't have to walk.
try the stairs. the whole point of an escalator is that you don't have to walk.

No its not. They don't put the stairs beside the escalator. If you don't want to walk, stand on one side of the escalator and let people pass. People in other countries manage it.
try the stairs. the whole point of an escalator is that you don't have to walk.
No, the point of an escalator is to move people up or down quickly. It is customary to stand on one side and let people walk on the other side. See here for details.
I live near the square and it's difficult enough to get some of the muppets that use the place to spell their own names properly, grasping the idea of one side for standing and one side for walking on an escalator I fear may be well beyond them !
I live near the square and it's difficult enough to get some of the muppets that use the place to spell their own names properly, grasping the idea of one side for standing and one side for walking on an escalator I fear may be well beyond them !
This annoys me so much! I travel a lot in Europe so between airports and train stations (and department stores!) I've been on more than my fair share of escalators and travelators. Irish people in general cannot seem to grasp the concept of standing on the right so that people can pass on the left. In Germany or Britain, you would be quickly (and politely!) told to move before you're run over!!
Personally speaking I think the reason Irish people use the escalators is that they don't feel like walking, unlike the rest of Europe, we don't have the likes of tube/undergrounds, where it is customary to stand to one side to allow busy commuters run by. The "muppets" in the Square, are just taking it easy. If you are in such a rush to get to Mcdonalds/Atari Expo or wherever is that is getting you so annoyed why not take the stairs. I don't think muppets can work stairs.(the hand gets in the way)
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. The "muppets" in the Square, are just taking it easy. If you are in such a rush to get to Mcdonalds/Atari Expo or wherever is that is getting you so annoyed why not take the stairs. I don't think muppets can work stairs.(the hand gets in the way)

Usually in a rush to get back to work (which doesn't apply to most people in the Square :D )......Like the stairs joke by the way.....;)
Yep Sunny, it's one of these things that laid back Ireland will be slow to embrace. If only there was less democracy and more discipline;)

Suggest you ask your escalator manager to put up a sign advising people the correct ettiquette.
Yep Sunny, it's one of these things that laid back Ireland will be slow to embrace. If only there was less democracy and more discipline;)

Suggest you ask your escalator manager to put up a sign advising people the correct ettiquette.

Begorrah I am afraid Ireland stopped being laid back a while ago to be sure to be sure!

Not sure I was advocating less democracy when I brought this up. But now that you mention it, on the spot fines might be the way to go. ;)
hmmm, is this law and will the escalator ploilce be out to nab me next time. If shops and centres wish to use this policy they should put up signs
As far as I know it's legal to push people down the steps if they stop on an escalator.;)
As for the signs, ignorance of the law is no excuse. If I only knew your real name I'd report you and then you would get banned from using escalators for up to three years (and a fine of up to €5.75).
As for your link, people like that should use a lift (or confine their shopping to lower floors).:p
This annoys me so much! I travel a lot in Europe so between airports and train stations (and department stores!) I've been on more than my fair share of escalators and travelators. Irish people in general cannot seem to grasp the concept of standing on the right so that people can pass on the left. In Germany or Britain, you would be quickly (and politely!) told to move before you're run over!!

Ah shure is it not our failure as Irish people to transport ourselves efficiently that makes us the laughing stock of Europe ? Lets call a spade a spade. I remember being in Connolly station once when the announcer tried to move people from one platform to another - Podge and Rodge would have done a better job.
Escalators are one thing but people who press both call buttons to get an elevator should be beaten to death
Escalators are one thing but people who press both call buttons to get an elevator should be beaten to death

In principle I agree, but I'm considering what punishment is appropriate for those people who refer to lifts as elevators?

On the original issue, what's the hurry?
Is the etiquette to stand on the right and let people pass on the left, as someone mentioned below?
I would have thought it would make more sense to stand on the left and let people pass on the right (like the fast lane on a dual carriageway).
In principle I agree, but I'm considering what punishment is appropriate for those people who refer to lifts as elevators?

On the original issue, what's the hurry?

I am not always in a hurry. Sometimes I just prefer letting my legs do the work (or at least some of it). There is room for everyones taste if people just learnt how to use them properly. Information packs sent out to every home and classes in school is probably the best way to go.
Maybe we should set up an highly trained escalator police unit but it might be a bit drastic. I will certainly be raising the issue come election time though. I think this is the issue that Enda and Pat have been waiting for.