Gillette Labs Razor


Registered User
Just wondering if anybody else has bought the new Gillette Labs razor and has noticed the longevity of the blades
I've been wet shaving now for a solid 20+ years, electric before that and have been through the Mach3, Fusion and now the Labs blades

The Mach3 used to last about 2 weeks the Fusion a good month but the new Labs range has taken it to another level

I started using this new blade on the 1st of Jan and six months later I'm still on the same blade, yes it's not as sharp as it was out of the pack but it's still cutting the stubble without pulling and giving me a close and nick free shave

So I'm wondering if Gillette have shot themselves in the foot with this blade or have I just been binning my blades too early in the past??

Just for reference I shave every second day just using a basic Gillette shaving gel, once with the growth, again against the growth for a closer shave and then the rest of my head as I'm folically challenged
I get about 3 months out of mach 3 blades.
I have bought sets on the likes of Groupon in the past, but I cannot advise more against that, they are poor quality and just fall apart.
I get them in Tesco and its expensive but good quality.

I will look at these Labs when my Mach3 stock runs out, hopefully they work on the Mach3 handle
I will look at these Labs when my Mach3 stock runs out, hopefully they work on the Mach3 handle
Unfortunately the old handles are not compatible with newer blades but that's not a bad thing this time
I've always been critical of Gillette's handles in the past for two reasons, one they felt cheap and two there was no stand for the razor
This version I'm glad to say has addressed those two issues, the handle feels of better quality so much so that I'm not going to buy a a third party handle like I've done in the past and they now have included a magnetic stand for the razor when you buy the starter kit
So I'm wondering if Gillette have shot themselves in the foot with this blade or have I just been binning my blades too early in the past??
I wonder is it a response to the many cheap knock-offs on EBay and the likes...
It reminds me of the story about the guy who used to write to various consumer product companies praising their products and they always sent him freebies in acknowledgment. He wrote to Gillette telling them that although he shaved every day, the same blade lasted a whole year.

Gilette wrote back thanking him and enclosed a year's supply.

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It reminds me of the story about the guy who used to write to various consumer product companies praising their products and they always sent him freebies in acknowledgment. He wrote to Gillette telling them that although he shaved every day, the same blade lasted a whole year.

Gilette wrote back thanking him and enclosed a year's supply.

And what are they like Brendan:D
On a tangential note, I shave every day with a Gilette Fatboy adjustable razor made in 1959. I get blades from (no affiliation, just like supporting them, and they've great products.)

I like the fact that I'm not using, and disposing of, any plastic, and the used razor blades can be recycled.

And I enjoy the DE shaving experience.

And once you get used to the technique, you get a face like a baby's' bum. And I don't mean red and blotchy.
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On a tangential note, I shave every day with a Gilette Fatboy adjustable razor made in 1969. I get blades from (no affiliation, just like supporting them, and they've great products.)

I like the fact that I'm not using, and disposing of, any plastic, and the used razor blades can be recycled.

And I enjoy the DE shaving experience.

And once you get used to the technique, you get a face like a baby's' bum. And I don't mean red and blotchy.
I for the most part totally agree with you about DE shaving, in the early days wet shaving I bought a Merkur safety razor
I did feel that the DE blade gave a far better cut and a closer shave compared to the Mach3 blades I was using at the time and of course cheaper
But as I also shave my head as well, I found I couldn't totally avoid nicks and cuts like I could with the Mach3 so I stopped using the Merkur

Going by Gillette's product info, the Mach3 should provide "15 comfortable shaves" , the Fusion blade should give a "months shaving",
The Labs blade should "offer about 20 shaves before it will need to be replace"

It reminds me of the story about the guy.....
Challenge accepted Mr B, month seven starting tomorrow ;)
I moved off Gillette and onto Harry blades earlier in the year, they last much longer and I find them fine.
Just a little update, am still using the same blade 9 months now and still cutting well
My own thinking is it's either the fifth blade or the exfoliating bar that is no longer water soluble but permanent
So the one year anniversary has come and gone and thirteen months is just around the corner and the blade is still going

Sent an email to Gillette UK in December, informing them of my experience with their new razor especially the longevity of the blade
Only to get back a reply from Daniel saying thanks for that we're delighted you're having such a positive experience with our products
Oh and by the way can I send you a survey as I'd love to know your opinion on my service and how I can improve

So roll on 2024 and we'll see if we can get another year from this blade and the only question I have for now is
What do I do with the other 3 blades, Adverts??
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So the one year anniversary has come and gone and thirteen months is just around the corner and the blade is still going

Sent an email to Gillette UK in December, informing them of my experience with their new razor especially the longevity of the blade
Only to get back a reply from Daniel saying thanks for that we're delighted you're having such a positive experience with our products
Oh and by the way can I send you a survey as I'd love to know your opinion on my service and how I can improve

So roll on 2024 and we'll see if we can get another year from this blade and the only question I have for now is
What do I do with the other 3 blades, Adverts??
Great going Cervelo, especially as you're shaving your whole head so to speak. Do you still have the Merkur lying around? I'd buy it off you.
Do you still have the Merkur lying around? I'd buy it off you.
I do and your more then welcome to have it
Just to be sure it's the one you want it's a Merkur Futur

It's been sitting in my bathroom cabinet unloved for the last 15 years with the original packet of Merkur blades that came with it
All I ask is that you pay the gesture forward or make a charitable donation to some worthy cause
PM me and we'll arrange a meet up or postage details